bad idea

Posted 9 years, 30 days ago by Raikukitty

you know that thing how i said i was gonna get into youtube

scratch that

tried making a video (it's not an animation,, it's just like.... a video i guess of me :'0) and then replayed it and i'm like "ahahah..... fuck this....." 

sooooo i discovered today that this might not be the best idea

like i WANT to be a youtuber i guess,, i want to make videos and stuff and share my thoughts and opinions though one tiny problem- i have really low self esteem and plus i'm chubby and stuff idk i guess it was  a bad idea...

I'm not sure what I want to do with my youtube, honestly. more animations maybe? i'll probably get more into animations.

honestly i want to talk and ... 'vlog' i guess??? except not with a phone, just sort of like talk. except i don't wear any makeup and i'm fat n stuff and it's jjust rlly embarassing

plus i feel really self absorbed to post a video of myself online honestly i give up x'D 

maybe i'll animate it instead?? but i mean windows 8 sucks and it won't run a lot of animation programs without crashing...... hnggg qwq'' idkkkkk //rolls around// 


ahh yea i want to be a youtuber as well but i have never gotten around to it.. oops XD

ik the feeling x'DD

haha XD

Ah, I'm sorry. As someone who has low self esteem too, I know exactly how you feel. I have an animating program, specifically Flash, and you can get Windows movie maker for free on Microsoft's website, that's a good starting place for videos.

Right, I have windows movie maker and such, Flash will crash (rhymes x'D) on windows 8, as well as synfig studio and toonboom trial.

Ah, darn. I think manga studio or anime studio or whatever it's called might work.

Maybe, though I'd need to save up for that and there isn't a trial so I don't even know if it would work on windows 8 and i'm not sure i want to pay so much and take a risk that it MIGHT work on windows 8.....

Yeah, that's a problem. I think there's a list of free programs here: Though I think you might have to do a slideshow thing with your voice over it or text over it or something. I also think this might be a free version of anime studio: though I've had problems with that site where it would give me more than I bargained for with installing more programs than just the mentioned one, so you might have to go to your programs list and delete the extras you get.

i WANNA SEE WHAT U LOOK LIKE and im sure ur not fat :000


well according to the national weight chart and stuff i'mnot even overweight but idk i feel chubby and look chubby x'D

x'D pfft well looking chubby isn't neccesarily a bad thing lmao

lol maybe.... but i jjust guess i look stupid when talking?? ahaha idk x'D

lol x'D

when I first saw this i thought it said you were going back into scratch and holy shit then i reread it

but aw, I hope things work out for you! (psst if you need to start over on dA i can help you, but you probably don't want to right now)

fuck no fuck that website //ahem excuse my language//

thanks ;v; i don't plan on anytime soon especially considering the fact that dA can track my ip and stuff?? besides i've moved on and i honestly think it's better if i just move along from dA nvn

ah. but if I ever moved on from dA, I'd honestly miss that layout tbh it was really easy to use- I'm hella noob at toyhouse, Furaffinity is sort of NSFW, youtube is hard as shit to do speedpaints/animate, and AGREED scratch is shit so uh ^ dumb me can't figure no shit at all

i tried making a video and i was like DOES MY VOICE REALLY SOUND THAT HORRIBLE?!

SSAME THAT'S HOW I FEEL i also happen to have to use my webcam and tthe camera quality sucks so much an d uuuuugh qwq'''

yeah i tried to use the webcam built into my laptop and just use the laptop recorder and it's horrible

Aww :P Anyway, I sent you important message on google hangout/gmail, because it's kinda private, and I don't know how to send you private message anywhere :P

Responded nvn