Neceobies FTO Free MYO Event!

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago by Anti Kie-Kay

"Muahaha, a chance to recruit new, willing minions into my clutches!" Anti whispers demonically to himself as he watches people flocking around the home of none other than the seamwitch herself, BieBie. 

He sees you approach, jumping from the bushes into your view he, clears his throat,

"HEY BUB! I can see the glint of evil in your eye. You have been blessed by the omnipotent devil himself havent you? You see i am looking for reliable, evil doers such as yourself to help inflict pain and suffering (but mostly inconvenience) to the citizens of ShopStreet. So if becoming a part of my most evil nefarious plans intrigues you then you should seek out BieBie, the seamwitch, right over there. Just don't tell her about our plans, okay?"



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