[OPEN] Free MYO event Lenux Brane

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago by Mama-devil

First MYO even for our shadow foxes; Lenux Brane is now OPEN!

you can participate in this MYO until 14th february, after this date will the MYO be closed!

Event rules!:

 Make sure to be a member of the group The-demons-den , and joined the world on toyhouse The demons den 
to take part of the MYO and a watcher of mine too keep track of the info!


 Make sure you have your Lenux Brane publiced before the deadline 14th february or else they won't be accepted.

 Make sure you have read the info, traits sheets, rules and FAQ about the species!

 Send in your brane to Mama-Devil for approval before you publish them!

 Tag me Mama-Devil as the creator of the species, and tag the group in your entry after approval

 Always write down the traits you've been using!

  Please include their shadowform when drawing your entry!


 Make a journal/poll about this event and attach the link in your entry comment!

 Favorite this devotion

 Tag 1-5 friends (the more that joins the funnier! and avoid tagging people whom already enterd or tag backs!)

 Share this event on other social medias (toyhouse, instagram etc..)  and or servers (discord for example where it's allowed too share!)
(Proof needs too be provided in order for me too accept it!)

If you have under stood the rules, use the password: FOX


Specie info that you will need:

Learn more about the Branes here:

Lenux Brane closed species


Species rules


Fast templats to use for the info:


Name: XXX

Age: XXX

Traits: XXX

• Age ranking: XXX amount tails - Older/middle/young

 •Shadow form height: XXX

 •shadow form color: Black or white


Once the MYO event is over 

- You can not change your Lenux Brane after the event is over, so make sure to make it from heart.

 (changing clothes or hair are a ok though)

- Make sure when you draw them you tag me and credit me for the species, i would love to see some art off the foxies!

You have any questions? Ask me in the comments or note me!

- Selling, trading or gifting your Brane is ok, as long as you contact me who the new owner is!

We also have a discord server if you'd like to join! --->

World on toyhouse ---> The demons den



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