Winterthing Auction :: Mistlesnow

Posted 7 years, 5 months ago by spoonfed

Ready for the winter season, some Longthings have sprouted a special, rare unicorn horn and some little blingy bits to show off at parties ♥.

As a compliment to the winter noodle released on FA, Mistlesnow is the uni-noodle for the TH crowd!  This seasonal base will be retired after auction, but uni-noodles may sometimes appear again for other special holidays.  This is my first try at running an auction on TH, so please give me some leeway if it's not as smooth as I hope it to run lol ;;;;


Auction will run from today until THURSDAY December 29th @ 12:59am EST. 

- Bid under the starting comment
- No bullying, fighting in comments, etc.

- Winners will receive non-scaled unwatermarked file upon payment.
- Winners must pay within 24 hours of auction end.

- You may make adjustments to colors and markings within reason; simplifying markings or adding small details is OK, shifting a hue is OK. Design must still be recognizable when compared to the original.
- Rarities may only be traded down, not up- ex: unicorn horn may be removed, but extra limb fur may not be added.

MISTLESNOW :: cold hands, warm heart
SB: $45 usd
MI: $1 usd


Ah he is such a pretty!!

But I think you meant Thursday the 29th! Or Sunday the 1st? ;w ;

DERP, good catch, you're right! I don't know what the heck I did there to mess that up haha ;;; adjusted!

So cute!!!!*___________*






You're the winner! ♥ contacting you over on FA!