Finally Done!

Posted 7 years, 5 months ago by studiomaz

Boy howdy, that was quite a bit of work getting all those characters up!  Also wanna thank everybody who's fav'd, subscribe'd, and put up with the heavy influx of shit that came your way.  I think for the most part I'm finally done; still got a couple stragglers but they're all ones in need of proper artwork.  But I think I will start using this place in favor of my Weebly; I enjoy the community!  Plus then I get to see everybody else's wonderful creations.

Can't wait to get more up!


<3 w <3 Ayyyyyy that was so wonderful! AND WOW WHAT A THROWBACK OF MEMORIES I was like OMFG I REMEMBER RISS AND DANDY! It was honestly fun and your characters are just amazing