Life Updates & Streaming Schedule!

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago by studiomaz

Oh gosh, it's been waayyyyyy too long since I last properly posted a journal here. It's been a wild ride since this time last year, and so much has happened (for good and bad) that I should really put up some kind of update. I've been doing well, and I hope all of you have been so as well!

Life Updates

Ho boy! 2020 was a hot mess of a year, had a lot happen. I lost two family members near the end of the year (non-covid related, but still right after the other) and that really put a dampener on things. Been struggling a lot with depression, but thanks to my wonderful friends I've been holding in there. One good thing of note though, my entire team at work is now permanently work from home!! The switch has been incredible and I've never felt better, plus it cuts down on my driving time so I can have more thriving time. I'm crossing my fingers that things this year will be better, with potentially some cool new stuff coming my way.

Art Updates

You've probably seen that I've been spamming a bit of art, and that is allllll thanks to a huge art backlog. I'm not uploading everything, just the fun stuff that I think you guys might like! It's been a really great year of art for me; I've recently picked up digital painting and hope to start offering it up as an option soon.

Speaking of commissions, they are currently closed while I revamp my current price sheet and streamline things a bit more. My prices are going to go up just a little bit, to compensate the time I spend working on them. Juggling a full time job alongside commissions can get a little stressful, so hopefully this will help! I need to work on a couple more commission samples, so I hope in the next couple weeks to open them up again.


Now that I'm generally always home and have stuff to do, I've decided to start streaming on the regular! I have a couple friends who tend to stream over the weekend, and they're always happy to have an extra person to have around and hang with. So on occasional Thursdays and Saturdays I'll be streaming art, and Sundays are for games! Lately my friends and I have been playing Paladins, so if you want to see a bloodthirsty support main, I'm there.

Feel free to give me a follow if you'd like to divert thyne eyes! I might try to post announcements here, but for anybody interested:


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