I. An Introduction of Sorts

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago by Splattermouth

please note that stuff here is still subject to editing and additions


Velosa is a mostly tropical plain, only slightly bigger than our Pluto. The only parts of the realm that see any snow or ice are the poles, and even then, temperatures have yet to ever dip below -40. It’s around 95% water, with only two large patches of land. Any other land is simply rock formations jutting from beneath the sea, though some have made their home in larger formations. The two patches of land in question are named Cyril and Zachariah; Cyril located in the tropics, and Zachariah located in the northern arctic.

Unsurprisingly, most of Velosa’s inhabitants are sea dwellers. Though there is a small population of various creatures (about 100,000) that thrive above the waves. There are a number of species in Velosa that are on the same level of intelligence as us humans, and they refer to anything below the waves as the Underworld and anything above as the Overworld. They have a lot of weird, obvious names for things, actually.

The Underworld’s populace is comprised entirely of sea monsters, all with their own cultures and traditions. Meanwhile, the Overworld has what could be best described as a hybrid between monsters and us humans (though they still wholeheartedly refer to themselves as monsters). In fact, Underworlders often describe them not as whole new species, but simply as their land-dwelling counterparts. Vice versa, the Overworlders simply see Underworlders as alternate, sea-dwelling versions of themselves and there’s a mighty good reason for that. Buuuut, we’ll save that for a bit later.


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