Custom Design OTA - closed

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by nickyflamingo

*** DA crosspost: ***

As promised, I'm opening a custom slot! (Possibly two, if I get two great offers I can't resist, but at least one). I have people ask me frequently if my designs are open and often they are not, and I rarely take non-unicorn customs. So if you're interested, now's a good time to try to snag one. And for this round, I am accepting OFFERS for them, not a set price. Please read "OTA info: (what you can offer!)" section below.

I'm offering a one-illustration (design drawn wearing their outfit) copic marker custom design. If they are a species that requires a weapon/ect ref, let me know what kind of weapon or companion animal they need and I can let you know if it's something I'm willing to include. Basically I'm not including a full dragon or a super complicated weapon set. If you'd like something more complex, or digital (excluding Unicorns), ask me first and see if I'm up to it. 

These are the three tiers of customs I can do; if you offer, please tell me which of these three you are interested in getting in exchange for your offer:

  • Full-sized Unicorn Adopt (full body, what you usually see with my unicorns, customs start at $125)
  • Mini Unicorn Adopt (chibi proportions, less detailed, worth $75)
  • Species  MYOs and one-offs. This includes custom Kamitsune adopts using an admin  slot (I would supply the slot), A MYO from a closed species that you  ALREADY own the slot for (I would NOT supply the slot), or a humanoid  one-off design (fantasy OCs, mermaids, fan characters, ect). No set  dollar value to these but keep in mind a full body artwork prior to  factoring in any design work starts at $45 and design work takes me a  lot of extra time. Also, I can work on a Kamitsune cheeb base for less  (for Kamitsunes), if that's what you're looking for. 

For all custom types, please see more in the rules below! Also listed are things I WON'T/ CAN'T do.

OTA info: (what you can offer/what I am looking for!) Listed in order of interest. Please be specific with your offers, or I will ask for clarification, thank you!:

  • Existing character designs and MYOs. Especially interested in Dainties and  Dainty MYO slots. Keep in mind the value of my customs though! Here's my  fav designs, but caution I haven't cleaned this up in a while: Also my preferences: 
  • USD via paypal. Including combined with other offers.
  • Art  or customs (lowest priority, good as an add-on). Please be specific in  the amount and type, examples help! Art should be finished within 45  days. I won't start designing anything until payment is received in full  so keep that in mind!
  • NOT  ACCEPTING: Art servants, co-own offers, non-USD currencies/digital  currencies. Do not offer me anything medical, gore, body horror,  self-harm medicine or drug related for my mental health, thank you!

I'm aiming at completing customs in about a month after payment is received, but due to my unpredictable health, it may be slightly longer. I'll make sure to keep you in the loop!

How you can contact me: Comment below, send me a Toyhouse DM, Comment on the DA journal pross-post, send me a DA note (please not the chat feature it drives me up the wall), or a discord DM if you have my info! It's totally okay to check with me if I'd be interested in something. I do want to keep this open for a few days to give folks a chance, but I will tell you sooner than later if I'm not interested in an offer. Also, if I'm slow to reply I've either not been on that platform yet or I'm considering. Please be a good sport and take declines gracefully, I appreciate every offer! 

When you contact me, please let me know what type of custom you're looking for, what you're offering, and any other questions you might have! I will make a quick note in the comments of here and TH that you made and offer and where, for my own tracking. 

DESIGN EXAMPLES (sorry for DA link): 


PLEASE  READ ALL THE IMPORTANT INFO BELOW BEFORE OFFERING. Included is info on  unicorns, adopt rules, and the things I can't and won't draw:

If you're interested in my Unicorn adopts, here's a google doc with lot of good info on the design process (sorry the DA journal restrictions made it impossible to get all the info here):

Customs I can't/won't do:

  • Anything medical, gore, body horror, self-harm medicine or drug related
  • Full anthro (no muzzles, beaks, snouts, ect) or anything other than very light armor or mech stuff.
  • Under-aged sexualized characters, fetish characters, other things that may come up
  • I  will not make any Unicorns based off of an existing property  or adopt.  If you have an adopt made by someone else which you have purchased and  have the rights to, you may ask me to repurpose it to a custom design  (such as refreshing them to suit your DnD campaign or converting them to  a Dainty) BUT you'll need to get permission from the original designer  to do so before I can start.
  • Please  don't ask me to make a species custom that is something against the  species TOS/rules.  For example I don't want to be involved in a bootleg  version of a species. 

All of my designs are for personal use only Owner may use them for non-commercial, personal use (basically don't make money off the design). Commercial use includes but is not limited to branding, products/merchandise, v-tubing, games, ect.

You must read my adopt rules here. While it says Unicorn Adopt Rules, they also apply to all my customs including these. I will ask you before I accept your offer if you agree to these rules, and you must agree before we trade. Thank you so much, I appreciate you: 


If I don't get an offer I like, I reserve the right to decline all offers. 

Thanks for looking, please don't be shy to ask me questions if you have any!


Hey! I love your design style, and am actually making a new CS and would love it if you could design the first one! 

What I can offer:
$20 add on
Any of the following characters (tried staying with your likes): (Doing some art for him too)
(You're free to look through my characters too!) Art! Depending on what you'd like, I can offer anything from a couple dumb fuck juice YCHs, to Fullbodies! Customs too! I did a design recently, which you can see here - (Also, example of my art!)

I can tell you more about the species I'm working on as well, regardless as to if you want to accept my offer as well! I'd be happy to let you do adopts of them if you like them

Hello! I'm so sorry for the delayed answer, I was unwell. 

I ended up selecting other offers, but I appreciate your offer! Thank you so much and I hope you have a good day and you find someone to help you with your sepcies who is a perfect fit! <3

It's all good, tysm for updating me! May I be notified if you open them up again? (If you're not interested in what I offered, it's all good too! I completely understand)

Hello! I'll announce any new unicorns up for sale or if I do another OTA at least 24 hours ahead over on my DA at least, possibly here, but right now I don't have a working ping list for them as it's har dto keep up with that. 

Right now artwork is on the lower side of what I was looking for for an OTA but that doens't always mean it will be each time. I am also unlikely to be interested in designing the first of a species as that's rather high responsibility that seems best suited to the species owner rather than me. So I'm likelyy to decline that. I don't mind designing one for an existing species with examples and a guide and everything already in place. So I would have declined either way in this case mostly based on not feeeling comfortable in that position.

It's all good! Is it okay if I contact you again once I've gotten it more started up to see if you'd be interested in making adopts, or would you like to pass?

Hello! While that's very sweet to offer, I unfortunately won't have time. But thank you!

*** I am going through the offers now and WILL reach out to everyone regardless of if I am declining or approving (I'll just message you where you messaged me!), so don't worry if it takes me a little bit!***

Offer made in a PM

Offer noted and under consideration, I'll let you know as soon as I decide. Thank you so much for the offer!

Not offering, just here to be HYPE for the incoming Nicky customs! \o/

Hyyyyype! <3

made an offer in TH DMs!

Offer noted and under consideration, I'll let you know as soon as I decide. Thank you so much for the offer!

made an offer over TH DMs!

Offer noted and under consideration, I'll let you know as soon as I decide. Thank you so much for the offer!

This user is not visible to guests.

Poked you back there!

Offer made on discord. 🌟

Offer noted and under consideration, I'll let you know as soon as I decide. Thank you so much for the offer!

Offered via discord ❤️

Offer noted and under consideration, I'll let you know as soon as I decide. Thank you so much for the offer!

Offering 3 way trade with Middynx ! This bam for a nickycorn ! ♡♡

Offer noted and under consideration, I'll let you know as soon as I decide. Thank you so much for the offer!