eo bulletin

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by k4veh

i have tent/entertaining offers on anyone, so heres the bulletin for that :-) although i dont really mind char comments either!!

im mainly looking to give away most on ryouji , so they'll probably be easier to offer on

will look at anything ^_^ usd is 100% a priority but i’ll look at art and trades as add-on/by themselves !!!


HIII IDK WHERE 2 GO TO OFFER BUT https://toyhou.se/13785813.camio , https://toyhou.se/4913612.iwyn would u trd them?

LMAO RIN THIS IS THE EO BULLETIN ?? nd i have eo on all chars ??? so yea haha ur good; and i could do camio but idk if u would trade any of the chars im interested in ahh

YEAHHDH IK BUT THE BULLETIN IS OLDDDD?? just lmk who maybe we will see

i liked crusty and misto !!!

AHHHGG YEAH prob wouldnt do either im sorry :') anyone on my alt?

awhfjrfj i didnt see anyone id trade for them 😭 

Hi! I'm just wondering if its possible to offer on this oc of yours: https://toyhou.se/14147441.toxin and what kind of offers you are looking for? If they are not up for offers that is completely fine as well ^^)/ 

im prioritizing usd rn, but ill look at art/chars as add on !!

I don't mind doing USD+ Art, how much usd are you looking for this character? Cause i can't see the bv >//<)

they’re worth around 50, so could you maybe do $30-35 w art add on ? you can decide how much art you wanna do ^_^

I can do a 30 USD and 2 Full Body + Simple BG Art as add-ons, you can see examples of my art here ^^)/ : https://twitter.com/SaeuTangy/status/1504070165859758081?s=20&t=rJ6yoBAFI7gG3SranV2InQ 

Would this offer be of any interest to you?

yea i could take this!! could you do https://toyhou.se/12988736.-kai- and https://toyhou.se/12473040.-orion- ? and how would you wanna go about the order of trading everything? (if ur ready to pay now i can give u my paypal !)

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ogufnvjdn ur art is so cuute, i could take that!! could u draw kai ?

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oopskddk sorry!! went to bed after ur last msg, ill send rai over right away :D nd i love the art tysm!!! u drew him perfect <333

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yea ofc!! what r u offering? ^_^

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ahh i didnt see anyone in those folders, but i did like https://toyhou.se/9282513.bug-mignyan- , https://toyhou.se/9651107.chai- , and https://toyhou.se/3164789.mink-/gallery !!

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yea u can!! how much do u think u could do for iori? ^_^

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ahh yea i think id want a bit more ^_^’ would u by chance b able to do 3 busts + 1-2 fb(s) ?

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hii sorry for the late reply!! just that would be fine tysm! 

for the fb could you do: https://toyhou.se/12988736.-kai-

and the busts: https://toyhou.se/14097906.-axel- https://toyhou.se/12473040.-orion- https://toyhou.se/14158865.natsu

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hello! i love apple, do u like anyone here (ignore tags etc)? if not i can offer smth else ^__^!

ahh hi!! i didnt see anyone i would use, sorry :( the only other thing id be willing to take is usd >_< 

how much usd would you take for them? 

around $65-70 !

aaa i prob wouldnt be able to buy them rn, but i'll lyk if im able to in the future <3!!

ahh alr!! ty for your interest regardless :D

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hello, i was interested in https://toyhou.se/9652774.ryu, https://toyhou.se/10681612.iori, https://toyhou.se/4843613.marnie, and https://toyhou.se/3132376.sherbert if theyre ufo ! im most interested in marnie

i could offer ocs from here and maybe here, im also willing to do art but that depends on who/if you find anyone that catches ur eye ^_^

hi!! im afraid i wouldnt do marnie since they’re kinda new and sherbert’s been a long time dreamie + im still doing owed art for em; but id def do any of these chars for ryu and/or iori !! 

https://toyhou.se/9551981.kyou - https://toyhou.se/4646835.shiloh - https://toyhou.se/10947277.cecil (might want add-on for cecil unless traded with one of the other two)

im only accepting swaps for kyou, so theyre a def no ! i recently got cecil so im unsure about them, but leaning towards a no . i could trade shiloh for ryu tho ! [[ id be fine w iori + ryu for shiloh too, but that is most likely unfair towards you ! ]] ^_^

i could do ryu for shiloh !! and i honestly just wouldnt do the both of them bc then there would probs be a price difference;; ryu is worth around $70+, iori is around $50 agchdhcjd……but yea, ill send a transfer req over for ryu!

no worries, i understand that ! tysm tho, ill send a transfer req too ^_^

Hello, do you accept art or character for https://toyhou.se/7166377.ryu-jin-kyun or https://toyhou.se/7419856.kun-ru ? :0

hihi!! i could accept art for kun-ru! :D how much could u do ?

I could do a shaded headshot?

yea thatd be fine!! could u do https://toyhou.se/10071887.sui ?

I usually mostly draw feral character but yes I will try to draw them ! ^^

Done, I hope you like it ! https://sta.sh/21xb08dc9amr?edit=1

ooh i love it !! tyty !!! ill transfer the char over now :D

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how much for marnie :'))

SCHDHB ahhh i dont think id give away marnie yet sobs 😭 still kinda just got them </33

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AGHGHDJCH OH MY GOSH?? wait help is this a serious offer ?? 😭 NOT TO OFFEND U OR ANYTHING thats just so much for me omgbdjchd

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AWW AGFHDHC U RLLY LIKE THEM HUH; I KINDA NEED THE MONEY RN SO UM,,, AHHHH,,,,,,, i think i can accept this omgdbfjdn……would u..would u want me to give my paypal rn?? 😳

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AHH if u could send the $$$ here w the friends n family option that would be cool !! pls lmk when u send so i can transfer tabris over hehe

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Hello! I really like these characters:


I can offer money, or if you're interested in anyone here, we could arrange a trade!
If you're not ready to let them go, I understand! I'm also fine with being pinged ^^

hi !! i dont think id be able to let go of cupid or apple just yet, but i might be able to consider $25 for nyago ! id have to check back w you w that though bc of smth ^_^’

I can pay $25 for Nyago! Let me know if that's alright!   

hi!! ill take this ^_^ please send to xxx w the friends and family option on paypal !!

Sent, thank you!   

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yea thats perfectly fine!!!

im super sorry tho but im still pretty attached to tabris, and i dont think im ready to give them away D: i didnt rlly see n e one either !! ur art style is really lovely thoughh ahh,, i love how u render! 💕

if u want i can ping u if i ever put tabris ufo in the future tho!!!!

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yooo,, is https://toyhou.se/11719957.ukiyo uft? :00

not really, sorry :( ill look at entertaining offers though !

ah alr! would anyone on my th be of intrest?

ahh super sorry, but i didnt see anyone that caught my eye!! you have lovely ocs though :-)

https://toyhou.se/10344428.patch u prob wont let go of him but i could do art + chars from icy-hot (preferably the ufs folder becuz tent on the others but go ham)
and then i can do some pts as well

ahh yeah im v tent with him,, and i didnt find anyone in the ufs folder sadly :( is there anyone u would be willing to do in https://toyhou.se/icy-hot/characters/folder:1398159 for patch though ?

id be willing to do a few there, but ig half i wouldnt do?? just lmk which ones u liked and ill lyk what ones im willing to let go.

i could do https://toyhou.se/10376967.nn#32752710 ? the others im more tent with :"D

i can consider ?? ahhdhcndj idrk, do u think i could like..add on or something to patch for any of the others? :o

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