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hi!! im afraid i wouldnt do marnie since they’re kinda new and sherbert’s been a long time dreamie + im still doing owed art for em; but id def do any of these chars for ryu and/or iori !! - - (might want add-on for cecil unless traded with one of the other two)

im only accepting swaps for kyou, so theyre a def no ! i recently got cecil so im unsure about them, but leaning towards a no . i could trade shiloh for ryu tho ! [[ id be fine w iori + ryu for shiloh too, but that is most likely unfair towards you ! ]] ^_^

i could do ryu for shiloh !! and i honestly just wouldnt do the both of them bc then there would probs be a price difference;; ryu is worth around $70+, iori is around $50 agchdhcjd……but yea, ill send a transfer req over for ryu!

no worries, i understand that ! tysm tho, ill send a transfer req too ^_^