Greetings, Salutations Gumshoes!

I apologize for being gone, gone for the majority of the spring semester, issues, yes issues, come up, arise, and transpire.       

As a staff member, member, and chief assistant to Mr. Wilmer, it was irresponsible, irresponsible for me to be away for so long. Fret not, as much of the paperwork, paperwork was done over digital and homebound. The wonders, wonders of computers never cease!   

Yes, yes, I have heard the rumors of my absence, I've had my ear, ear to the door. I will only respond to them with a reminder to the larger bodied species in the university, Please remember, remember your own strength and that smaller mammal species and birds have thinner, more easy to shatter bones. Throwing people, even consensual throwing, is explicity frowned upon, upon.      

P.S. I have found, found myself with an oddly, oddly lucrative minecraft streaming career in the meantime.

P.P.S. I have found this software has emojis, how delightful, delightful!     


An overdue announcement, yes, BUT - this shows how diligent you've been, Miss. We are more than happy to have you back!

It's all good, I won't tell 😉

Please remember, following further incidents you can and will be expelled.