May raffle results!

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by Junqmail

The winner of 'Tending your garden 101' is Sleepi_Artist!

Congrats! :)image0.png(they will be sent in a character transfer soon)


We Also raffled off 455 Apple Coins!

The winner of those is unxverse-

(screenshot this to deposit them!)

Thanks to everyone for entering! We will have an adopt set out soon AND There will be more free raffles in the future so keep your eye out ;)


Ohh yay! Wdym screenshot it to deposit?

If you have an account with our group bank you can take a screenshot of the above and submit it to our deposit forum for the coins! You can redeem them for various items/adopts if you have enough :) (here’s a link to the bank threads)

AHHHH TYSM!!! 😭😭😭💕💕💕

I can’t wait to see what you do with them 😊