Feedback Please!!

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by cosmical


i'm drawing a quick scene and it's not really turning out how i'd like it to, so i'd like some feedback please!

be as harsh as you'd like, as long as the feedback isn't just "it looks bad"


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sdkfljdas; thank you so much :'00

I'd like to see more of the river because it turned a bit sharply, however, if this is what you want then go for it! Perspective does make things a lot easier though.

hmm true the river does turn pretty sharply,, ill see what i can do about that :'0

I’m having trouble understanding what the land on the left side is, maybe try adding some more shading or colors so you can tell what is what. Other than that I find this really pleasant to look at!😊

ty! ill definitely do that !

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ill do definitely do that! tysm for the suggestion!

it looks really great so far! i'd suggest blurring out bits in the background, and then keep the colours more desaturated in the foreground. the back is fine as far as saturation goes, but the front doesn't really match. you did this but i'd also make sure you continue to keep all the details towards the front! 

another thing is that mountains or hills like you drew tend to have "wobbly" shapes because of trees on them (even if the ground is dry and the trees are basically bushes, they're there). so on the ones a little closer in the background, add some little tree bits!

 i'd also consider adding some clouds if you like! :0 ofc you don't have to, since the sky doesn't always have clouds in it.

unless this is a fantasy scene, water usually isn't that bright or clear either-- adding fronds in the lake, bits floating, reflection, and different values for the dirt underneath is good to keep in mind (but if you don't want to redo anything, it's not super necessary! idk how realistic you want to be)

oh wow, holy cow that's really helpful,, thank you so much!

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ahh yeah omg that's really helpful, thank you so much :'000

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ooh yeah, that's really helpful, tysm :'00

ill definitely add that !