Holiday Raffle: The Lovebug

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago by Broeckchen

The second special adopt provided as prize! This time an adorable Lovebug, inspired by the warmth and love surrounding us during the holidays~.


This lovely design was contributed by Guest Artist Parziivale and the winner gets to own it to his Terms of Ownership.

To enter this raffle, simply comment here with the words "Love is in the air!" on the comment specifying that it's intended for the "Lovebug Raffle". Only one raffle ticket per person and raffle is possible, so if you encounter this post on other platforms, please do not try to enter again on there.

Each person can only receive one raffle prize this Decembre. You can still enter unlimited raffles if you haven't received a prize yet, but if you win, your name will be taken off the raffle ticket list for future prizes. You may request to have your name taken off the ticket list for older raffles if you wish.

This raffle concludes on Decembre 15th, 8 PM, UTC+1. Winner will be determined via RNG.

Also, in less fun news: I am currently at the hospital (everything's okay, just medication adjustment) and have a strict curfew for the use of electronics so my active times might not overlap as much with yours as usual. Of course I set the deadlines for the raffles so that they always end before the curfew and I have ample time to announce the winners!

Winner has been chosen! The winner is GreywaterAlley of the Calyptra Amino!


Comment here for the Lovebug Raffle!