Holiday Raffle: Candy Princess

Posted 6 years, 6 months ago by Parziivale

Hey Guys! Will posting for Chen here! The following are all Chen's words, not my own!

(With my limited internet access here it was a bit tricky to get everything set up, but we should be in the green now! C: )

So our next Raffle Prize is this little sweetheart! Candy Princess Calyptra

The lovely Tea provided this prize design! Big thank you again to Tea for that <3

To enter this raffle, comment on this post with the words "Sugar, Spice and everything nice"! I will then enter your name into the list of people from which the winner will be randomly chosen.

Conditions and Deadline

This character is a Calyptra, which is a closed species created by Broeckchen. If you win, you will still need to accept the Species Rules to receive the prize. Winning one of my December Holiday Raffles means that you cannot win in any other ones. No worries, you can still enter raffles in future months! You can also still participate in the Adopt-A-Secret-Santa Event to get a Calyptra character and a chance at an MYO Slot.

If you encounter this raffle on other Aminos and platforms, please choose only one to participate. I only give out one raffle ticket per person.

Deadline is the 17th of December, 8PM UTC+1.

This raffle has concluded! Winner is usagi of Adopts Amino!


Comment here for the Candy Princess Raffle!