please read!!

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by blackcoffee

my boyfriend's financial situation has really only been getting worse and worse lately.. he never wanted to do this but out of pure necessity, he's taking donations and i'm helping him host it, because his parents never got him any photo id to verify his paypal with, and the limited one he was using got hacked recently.

even if you can't donate, please consider sharing!!
before i explain, here's the donation post if anyone just wants to get right to it without reading all of this ->

i can verify this is all completely true. to put things simply, his mom refuses to work, and his dad is only just now able to after a very long time, but he's still not getting properly paid. tane himself can't because his parents have abusively stopped him from doing so for a long time--such as never helping him get the proper paperwork, mental/physical health issues, and covid restrictions coming back into place. so, he's stuck in a pretty much 0 income household.. this of course comes with a lot of problems.

he can't properly eat, and frequently has nothing in his house but bread, and what little food they do have his parents often guilt him out of eating any of. this is making his depression and physical health in all regards loads worse, leaving him feeling weak and demeaned all the time.
although some basic medical expenses are covered in his country, dental is not, and he was unable to get his wisdom teeth removed for years. this situation has escalated and now one of them has begun to rot, not only putting him through a LOT of pain, but at risk of a bone infection.
finally, he really needs to see his doctor again to get his seroquel refilled (one of the only helpful medications he's ever been on, actually elevating his mood a decent bit and lessening his psychosis from scizophrenia) but he doesn't even have money to get gas to go see him, or to cover the expenses which aren't covered by new zealand's universal health care.

he's tried to get on government benefits, but the benefits office is completely ignoring his requests.. he tried to get a doctor's note to verify that he really needed them--since his health right now is truly bad enough to make work impossible--but the doctor wrote the wrong ailments on the note, ones which are less serious in the eyes of the greedy law, and led to him only getting ignored further.

so that said, please consider helping in any way possible... also if it matters to anyone, he is neurodivergent, mentally ill, POC (maori), transgender, and an abuse victim.. all things which, as we all know, make dealing with the government, employers, and life in general a hell of a lot harder. 


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