Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by HachiDocs

40387303_RdiEwTIF4LyDs8e.gif"WOAH, My apologizes!! Is has been really windy and makes me late @o@!!!! BUT THERE'S ALWAYS GREAT NEWS!!! Oh for the first time? WELL WELL LET SEE WHAT THIS LETTER HAVE!!"

Jay opens the dusty letter...

Cough cough...

Welcome to the first News bulletin!!! u smell new stuff haha??


  • Sunny's shop Officially open! go and gather what you need !
  • Next week? Tomorrow? next days? we will be releasing THE FREE MYO EVENT! for a limited time of course!
  • In the Middle of October, A mystery... alot of missing hachibos... where they are..??? All that in the middle month EVENT!!!
  • We have Moved the Trail list to here! annouced again to avoid confusion!
  • New Voiding rules: a hachibo can't be voided unless showing the new redesign (into a one-offs or else!) that proves this hachibo is not hachi anymore!
    Once the hachi voided the entry changes to Greyscale colored! drawing the voided hachibos will not earn you Horms!
  • And for the last, 31th we will be a BIG ADOPT BATCH OF HALLOWEN HACHIBOS!!! who knows who they are... Booo~
  • Sneepo.


Well! What a great news aguess ^^", all i have to say now thanks for reading! See you next month Traveler!!!


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