!!I'm still alive, but please read!!

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by Jifi-Dawg

Hello all. This is something I think I've been needing to do for a while, so I hope you'll read what I have to say.

I wanna start out by saying that I'm very sorry that I've been so quiet. My goal has always been to be more active, but that's become a problem. I've been overestimating and pushing myself with my art for years, and I'm finally at the point that I need to just admit defeat. Between stressors in my personal life as well as my commissions, my drive to create art is all but gone. I burned myself out. I can't even make personal art anymore without feeling overwhelming guilt and anxiety. And if I don't do personal art, I can't give myself the self-care I need to continue my commissions, and it snowballs into a standstill, hence the literal months of inactivity.

So, I'm closing my public commissions permanently. I might make an adopt from time to time, and I'll be leaving my prices up and taking a commission every now and then from my friends who still want them, but I can't take them from strangers anymore, for my own mental health. I'm so sorry to anyone who might have still wanted one, I really am. For those few still waiting on a piece, I'll be contacting you within the week to discuss further, and once again I'm so incredibly sorry about the wait.

As for the future of my art, I'm not really sure. I want to keep drawing and developing my characters and their worlds, but for now I need to just slow down and focus on taking care of myself and the people who are already here. Art is still passion of mine, but it's gonna be on the back burner until I'm ready to jump back in.

This might be the last any of your hear from me for a while, or I might feel better right away now that this is off my chest. Who knows. Regardless, I hope you'll understand, and I wanna thank everyone who's been so incredibly patient with me. It really does mean a lot. And thank you for reading.


Take care and please remember to be kind to yourself! Wish you the best of luck that there is! I know that we don't chat as much as we used to, but know that I'm always on discord available if ya need anything. Again, please take care! <3

I'm trying my best, thank you ;;;

I hope one day you will find energy to draw again. But for now, if you feel too stressed, just try to recover. I wish you the best, Jiff. You're a great and strong person. Hope you feel better soon 💙Take care!

Thank you JB, I hope so too <3

You take care of yourself thats what is important. Im here if you need anything 

I'm trying my best, thank you

And some clothing stuff down is what people need to do oh, I know I've done it in the past myself and it really does help to allow yourself the personal care and whatnot that you need. I really hope to see more of your art though in time, is very important to be able to take care of yourself mentally and physically. If you ever need anything or just want somebody to talk to I'm always around you can message me are you could even add me on Discord and I can send that to you if you like.

On another note, I've always thought your art was amazing and your style and your characters were so well thought out. I hope you're all right😁😁

I really appreciate that, thank you ;; <3

No worries, any time c:

Let me know if you need anything even if it's just an ear to listen <3

Thank you bb <33