Hello, and activity update

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by MorisatoReshu

Hello all,

Thank you all for the interest you’ve shown in my OCs and their world.

I have been quite inactive since late spring and wanted to offer my apologies and my encouragement that I should be back sooner than later to updating and hopefully writing some for Magical Earth.

I have been going through a really difficult situation at home for the last few years as I have been coming to see and come to terms with the abusiveness of the relationship I have with my partner of 20 years.  I also want to thank a couple friends here for their helping me see the abuse I was experiencing before I did, and loving me enough to speak up.  Without your help and love I would still be blind.

Sadly, as I’ve learned over the past month the root of what drives the abuse, it will never end or improve and I am just now looking at how to escape while still support our six minor kids.

Working through this through this summer has been all consuming and severely dampened my creativity… which I’ve missed.  I’m hoping now that I have a much better understanding of what is going on and know what I can do to somewhat protect myself from the abuse, and as I get finincial and legal advice on separation options, my creativity will gradually return.  I look forward to delivering more content in the form of OCs, bios, and stories.

Thank you all for subscribing, your support, and to my friends, for your loving friendship.



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Thank you!