Oc Interview

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago by Wix Annesley FScott

tagged by  @mamahorror, Shugahime

1. Choose one of your OCs
2. Your OC must answer every question as truthfully as possible.
3. Bulletin title should be "OC Interview".
4. When you're done, tag as many people as you wish.
5. Have fun!!!

Introducing... Wix Annesley! 


1. Hi! What’s your real name and nickname?

My real name is Sir Waxillium George Harrington Angus Annesley, 18th Marquess of Winchester. You understand why I stick to Wix. 

2. Interesting… what’s your current age?

I hardly have time to keep track of such things. Perhaps thirty, more or less.

3. Uh-huh. What’s your favorite food?

Food is a nuisaince. Perhaps apples, they are somewhat convenient.

4. And your favourite drink?

Gin - and please do not waste my time with tonic. 

5. Confession time! Who’s your crush/lover? 

I do not broadcast my relationships, for their safety and mine. 

6. Have you kissed yet?

7. Classic question! What’s your favourite color?

Black, for its utility. Chestnut, for his hair. 

8.Who’s your favourite author?

Hemingway, he didn't waste time. 

9. Now what’s your biggest fear?

A certain hummonculi falling into the wrong hands. 

10. Any siblings?

Heir and a spare, of course. My younger sister ran off with a fallen angel and now, as I understand it, they run some kind of orphanage. I've not contacted her in some years. If she wanted to leave this life, I am no so thoughtless an older sibling as to bring it to her doorstep. 

11. Almost done, it’s only twenty one questions. Who’s your hero?

Idolising anyone is a terrible idea, particularly for a mercenary. 

12. Okay, who’s your worst enemy?

Do see the above. 

13. What would you do if your hero and your worst enemy got together?

If I were paid, kill them. 

14. Interesting… What would you do if you met your creator?

Do see the above.

15. Okay, I’ll contact them right now. Done! Now, what do you want to be when you grow up?

I wish only to remain free of entanglement. 

16. What’s your worst nightmare?

Some angel or demon getting their disgusting fingers into my soul, ensuring my soul would be unable to escape this reality at the end of my life - imprisoning me in either Heaven or Hell. 

17. What’s your life-long dream?

Find an heir, retire, do nothing but hunt fox ghosts on my estate. 

18. What would you do if your lifelong dream came true?

I am doing my best to be polite here, but you are a terrible interrogater. 

19. Okay, where’s your favourite place to relax?

The Kayl estate. 

20. What do you spend most of your time doing?

Working - you know, spying, assassination, interrogation, it is all on my business card. 

21. Last question! Who do you tag?

@moons-crystal-tear, Devizelous, @mamahorror (do another!) 



//screaming quietly


...wait if i got tagged twice do i need to do it twice?

YOU NEED TO DO IT A HUNDRED TIMES (mainly because I want to hear about all your babes /shifty)

I shall consider it xD