In light of the longthing situation

Posted 6 years, 25 days ago by Disdain

(here's the journal if you haven't seen it

These are my longthings - and if you see any that are similar, which could mean recoloured, traced, etc, they've been faked and they're not legitimate. I have never put any of these guys up for trade and so if they show up elsewhere they have been stolen from here or Glider/Boopeep's galleries. My designs have always been watermarked.


wow people do such awful things ono

Does anyone know who the person was that was doing this so I can blacklist them? A PM would be most helpful. I recently traded some LTs the I received from Peri a while ago, but I don’t want anyone touching my custom. Are they just using Boos base?

Thanks Dis! Also idk how applicable it is to you, but there is a PSA Post up now in case you feel the need to keep tabs on the user.

wheezes thank god that was settled I-- nearly took the bait @-@;; can't believe they got your kiddo Corvus //grips fist

I don't suppose you remember how the file was? Was it watermarked, blank, edited? I didn't see the post myself.

it was blank?? but had Guro's watermark-- I'd assume they went to perikola's gallery and saved it there? and then went to Glider's gallery perhaps and took it from there. because it was very believable HOWEVER they applied some edits on the glider made LT? and it was sorta pixelated.

So you're telling me they stole the piece that I paid Peri for? Meaning there's a chance my other noodles could have been stolen as well.... cool. I love the design community but it's the small minority looking to steal and rip off that really spoil it for me. I wish I knew how they got the original adoptable file.

correct, I was one of the early few to see what was out for display? 

and yeah-- there will always be that rotten bunch :'/ but it'd good to see that there are the majority who were willing to help and let the others know what's up. They might've just edited it out form Glider's older gallery postings honestly? (since some of the earlier watermarks don't cover majority of the body I'd assume.. which is why they targeted the earlier LTs ones, less hassle to edit)

I actually had no idea that this would be affecting me. It was only after I made the journal and changed all my longthings (minus Kijani) from private that I was told that it was one of mine. Part of me felt that the journal would be pointless but I'm super glad I made it now u___u

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I had this awful feeling that one of my noodles was involved but I didn't get to see the trade/sale post. If anyone has a screenshots i'd like to see them..... ;_____;

I don't know where they got him from because the majority of my longthings have been private for months and I didn't ever see him in Glider's gallery.

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