Longthing PSA

Posted 6 years, 1 month ago by spoonfed

Apologies for the radio silence across here and my FA, I've been really wrapped in my IRL full-time job, as well as dealing with recently diagnosed autoimmune & joint issues, so I usually spend my off-time just lazing around and catching up on sleep haha. ORZ

I've come back to a while slew of problems regarding stolen designs, copies, and fake Longthings.  I'm really taken aback at how bad this has gotten, and I'm so sorry to those who are currently caught up trying to pick up loose ends.  I'm trying to help users identify fakes and the like as I'm sent notes on FA, but it looks like I really am going to have to find some way to make a database.  I just don't know how to handle that yet, or how to make it something everybody can easily use to handle trades etc, since it seems there's no one platform everybody is on :(.  I'm willing to take suggestions on how to go through with that!

IN THE TIME BEING, PLEASE DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH USER GURO-BOY ON ANY PLATFORM [guroboy @ refsheet.net, guro-boy @ DA, j0hnny_joestar @ Twitter, josuke-hiigashikata @ tumblr, vitreoushumor @ FA].  They are the root problem of many of these fakes I'm seeing going around, and it was brought to my attention earlier that they are still trying to pass off designs as legit.  It's really a slap in the face to see one person scamming so many people, especially while claiming to be a fan of the species.  If you find this user operating under any other name on any platform, please contact me so I can keep an updated blacklist.

I had intended to do a Longthing MYO as a surprise event (since I know everybody wanted one and I had been gone so long) soon, but right now I'm worried about putting a base out in the middle of all of this.  It's really disheartening.  HOWEVER, I would still like to host this event for all of the people who have been so supportive of me all these years.  I need a little bit to sort through some issues and how to handle the event with all of this nonsense going on though - a friend has offered to help me keep tabs during it, and I would also love suggestions from others who do a lot of MYOs!  Please sit tight.

Since I feel like we need a little happiness in the noodle community, I will be hosting a raffle within the next few days!  I am not decided on if it will be here or on FA yet.  I will be vetting accounts - suspicious users or those known to be problematic in the scamming will be passed over and blacklisted, and new accounts with little to no information will also be passed over (mostly applicable to FA accounts).  


I'm super late commenting, but I'm glad you're doing okay! It's awful that people are trying to distribute fake longthings, and I hope that everything surrounding that gets fixed soon, for your sake and the sake of longthing fans! ;o;/

https://toyhou.se/834807.milk Peri gifted me this longthing a year ago. Sadly, she didn't have the without watermark version any more, and I was kinda afraid to contact you about it. I have added the fact that it belonged to her and you can message her about it if you need more proof. It's really sad that people are sending fakes, though. 

honestly it was very disheartening to hear all of this unfold :"/ And it's awfully sweet 
of you to want to host a noodle myo event! For hosting it there are plentiful of ways 
on doing it but I have heard several few that host it in a really like-- new manner?? 

such as allowing people to may the myos before hand and there will be a set date(s) when everyone can turn in their design for approval as well as deliver payment.. and anything past the dates will mark the end and stop of submissions and approvals? (this one is much less stressful for those who want to rush in to claim things with limited slots? and often times people with these slots can tend to not use them which may lead them to wanting to trade it off which can stem some trouble with unfair trade exchanges)

And I have seen comments mention a masterlist? Which might be super helpful!
Often times however I have seen it done on Deviantart and rarely in Toyhouse?
But I can perhaps lend a hand and present one of mine as an example? >:"0c sorry in advance for the spam

(master list link)  
(entry example) 
- description per entry has at least the name of both designer + owner (that way when you search the names it will pop up better as a result)
- comments section will show the change of ownerships and approval of design edits

^^^ often times however people can take these links and slap them on
their characters here in Toyhouse for legitimacy proof, like this boyo for example >> https://toyhou.se/559658.cel

other good examples of databases  are Pacadex || Merlopedia || Manaseed

some people/owners of different species do this granted if there is a masterlist of the said species they own. If ever you need some assistance I wouldn't mind lending a hand on this if ever! And if you were to decide to bring this data base system onto TH to make things comfortable for you, that's definitely doable! Regardless though ;;)7 thank you for coming back and clearing the air Glider, it's great to see you back, it's a shame that drama was the first rude greeting for you to receive =___=;;

YOU SWEET DOLLFACE, YOU.  It seems a common suggestion for the MYO is hardline requirements for submission dates etc, so I will definitely be going with that and keeping a spreadsheet on the side to keep track.

I would also absolutely love to have your help ironing out a DA database too - the examples you linked look great and easy to navigate, which is exactly what I would like for Longthings!  I've been so DA-averse all these years though, so I'm kind of dumb in all of its features and set-up stuff, so I will definitely need someone to hold my hand like a five year old so I don't make the world's ugliest/most broken noodlebase ever B')

It def seems like it yes :'0 at least it'll be a good source of legitimacy! And absolutely! I would be more than happy to assist you <3 Since my time is very much free for a long while! And I guess along the way I can show you some ropes on how DA works! It's definitely more easier than it looks (DA is more afraid of you than you are of it don't you worry Glider guehrg) 

but by all means I'm always here, DA, or FA if ever you want to talk it out!

I'm really sorry this has happened! You know how much I adore longthings and am forever excited and happy over the Longthing I was able to get last year. I really hope things get sorted and you figure out how to do an MYO because I would *adore* another longthing something fierce!

Anyway I hope you feel better and do enjoy your time resting when you can. You know we all love you and wait patiently for your lovely art!

still sorry this has been going on, i hate that you’ve been taken advantage of in your absence, as well as a bunch of other users including myself;;

i think investing some time into making a longthing DA group/hub would be useful to everyone! That way you can have mods help run it as well. I know a few CS groups that use this function. Also, a lot of people that own an FA account also tend to have a DA account I’ve noticed.

Here is one of my favorite examples of a really well put together group/hub. I think longthings could benefit most from at least having a hub:

Dainties Group: https://darling-dainties.deviantart.com

Dainties Hub: https://dainty-dictionary.deviantart.com

Reasons why I love this set up: If you look through the dainties uploaded, you will notice that they have ways to claim current and new ownership. They will list who last had the dainty, and can give people the option to claim new ownership (via resell, trade, voucher, etc.) in the reply comment. There can be folders for official or myo designs.

I'm definitely going to go with making a DA base for them, because despite the fact I have ignored the platform for years, it does look like a lot of people cross over onto it and the databases linked all seem perfect for what the Longthing-world needs B')  

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I would be happy to mirror on TH, so I will for sure remember to do that if FA ends up being one of the primary hosting spots ;v;

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I'm definitely going to have to wrangle some mods and such up to help keep the noodletrain running smoothly, since I know I likely won't be able to be around 100% of the time haha ;u;.  Have Dainties had a bad bout with scamming too?? That's horrible!

I usually do note bases for MYO periods, but I might consider rotating download sources so that no one link is around for too long.  idk I will find some convoluted way haha B')))

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It's sad that it came to scamming, but the community did a good job helping each other and solving the issue with your help.

A myo even sounds so exciting and I hope that it happens for everyone to enjoy, but goes smoothly most of all for you if you decide to do it!!

Truth, I'm really happy to see that everybody was so supportive of each other in order to prevent further scams ;o;  YA'LL ARE THE REAL ALL STARS.

We won't let a few bad eggs make us unable to enjoy our characters, that's for sure! >O

I hope that things straighten themselves out, it can be difficult considering you cannot be available online all the time. Perhaps a concrete masterlist is exactly what you need. I know on DA it's very popular to do and I see Cappuchi has offered their own as an example, the ability for people to post when they are traded is nice to show the tracks of where an adopt is going. Google docs is another method like my friend Ascherune mentioned, but will need to be edited by the creator so it might not be ideal. 

No matter what though the real fans of the community will be excited to see what is next.

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I'm glad to see that you're back! I wish it was under better circumstances u____u

My advice for the MYOs is to create a new TOS for them which includes a rule about distributing the base and ramifications of sharing it with people who haven't paid for slots. You also might be asked if designs can be transferred onto this base, and that might making keeping a list of who has the base difficult. Also, putting a "finish by this date" part on the MYOs would be a good idea.

I agree that the 'finish by this date' for MYOs could be a good idea. Beau is going to do this with dreamies and I think this is a good way to avoid false longthings from being made.

I like all of these ideas for the MYO - I think being strict is the only way to keep things safer and running smoothly!

Im so sorry this happened! I almost bought a Longthing from them and Im glad I didnt!