Planet Thalamite MYO Event (Open!)

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by HazyInk

Welcome Newbies!


Hello hello i see you stumbled upon this event wether it be out of sheer luck, from a friend and or an event welcome welcome! this species is very much still a WIP i am always looking for help!
contact the me or a mod for help!

This is a multi being species by _M1CK3Y_
[multi being = more then one species within this one]

Discord || World



How it works/what to know:
>Everyone is automatically given a common slot<

>You can upgrade your slots to a higher rarity<

>You can enter for 1 slot for each species<

>This event runs from NOV 4th to NOV 18th<

>You have till DEC 1st to hand in your finished character<

>Failure to complete steps correctly will result in you not obtaining a slot i don't excuse anything<

How to gain a slot:
(all is mandatory to gain a slot)

>Join the world<
>Share via bulletin<
>Tag 2 people<

How to upgrade:
(by doing everything bellow you earn a traitless/uncommon slot)

>Draw the mascots for the species your entering for<
[Bioworms macsots: 1, 2, 3, 4 | Squidling mascot: 1 | Corebug Mascot: 1 | Micelamp mascots: 1, 2 | Slime devil mascot 
(all art must be half or fullbody, fully coloured and in separate drawings otherwise it only counts as 1)


>Tag 2 more people<
>Join the discord<


Species your entering for?-
Joined world?-
Joined discord?-

Bioworms info || Squidlings info || Corebugs info || Micelamps info || Slime Devil info

Once you are finished message me here for approval


User- DoodleDrawz

Species your entering for?- MiceLamps! 

Joined world?- Yup!

Tags- @Supercyborddino MurdererMarioCookie MechHeadMayhem fluffy_doggo130 (Sorry for tagging you guys, I hope I didn't bug ya<:) )

Joined discord?- I will someday ^^; 

Art- Yup yup! Right here! :Dh_lubs_you_by_karenmatsu_deujcbb-pre.png


species your entering for?- slime devil

joined world?- already joined <33

tags- bongo_, IWATOBI

joined discord?- yeppers >:]

art- will be pinging you when it's done if i may ? :3c

you have a common slot! 

@ _M1CK3Y_ in a reply once you have finished the art [you have till the 18th to finish the art for the slot upgrade]
and if you reply with 2 more tagged users it will be upgraded to uncommon once you do so

O: Keons and WonderianAJ <3

1 step closer to gaining uncommon :] 

just need to finish the art of the mascot then it will be upgraded 

>Draw the mascots for the species your entering for<
[Slime devil mascot 1]
(all art must be half or fullbody and fully coloured)

ill have that done soon ! <3

_M1CK3Y_, done ! it should be transferring <3

finished ! uploaded to 002 <3

please note me for approval 

User- x-Bluberri-x Species your entering for?- MiceLamp! Joined world?- yep! Tags- eerielio DYINGDOVE Joined discord?- mhm Art- will reply wth it!

You have a common slot!

@ _M1CK3Y_ in a reply once you have finished the art
and if you reply with 2 more tagged users it will be upgraded to uncommon once you do so

you now have an uncommon slot :]

Just change the tail tips to bulbs then 

Reply back once you fix!

Also please list which traits you used 

2 Replies
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You have all common slots!

BW -

SL -

CB -

ML -

@ _M1CK3Y_ in a reply once you have finished the art it will be upgraded to traitless once you do so

you have till nov 10th to finish the art to upgrade your slot!
after that you will be unable to their will be no extensions ether

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theirs an explanation of what it means in the trait sheet 

BW - [upgraded to traitless]

SL - [upgraded to traitless]

CB - [upgraded to traitless]

ML - [upgraded to uncommon since theres no traitless for this species]

but a basic explanation you can make up traits that are not on the sheet already (so you cannot use or find loopholes to make traits that are like enlightened, cursed or corrupted)

you have 3 days left to complete your myo entry :]

(there is no extensions since i have already extended the date)

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wait S0BS dont worry about finishing till dec 1st im not all here rn i missread my own post sorrysorry hjkfsd

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User- Arcticfoxbat Species your entering for?- one of each Joined world?- yep Tags- bwead @ GremlinFeline Joined discord?- ye Art- none :’)

you have 3 days left to complete your myo entry :]

(there is no extensions since i have already extended the date)

Ok I’ll get it done soon thanks for the warning

User- Maika

Species your entering for?- can I one of each? (My translator threw that a kind space but I didn't understand)

Joined world?-Yep

Bulletin :

Tags- Miud Limolaneko BlueHover

Joined discord?-Yep


Thank you so much! : D

you have 3 days left to complete your myo entry :]

(there is no extensions since i have already extended the date)

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You have a common slot!

@ _M1CK3Y_ in a reply once you have finished the art it will be upgraded to traitless once you do so

you have till nov 10th to finish the art to upgrade your slot!
after that you will be unable to their will be no extensions ether

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That’s fine you still have your slots ^^ they will just remain all common 

you have 3 days left to complete your myo entry :]

(there is no extensions since i have already extended the date)

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