Art trade?

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by Abandon3dRain

Hi! Would anyone be interested in a chibi like this;


Im looking to get art of my new baby, Rain!


Comment below with an example of the art type your offering! 


I can offer a chibi drawing if you're interested!


Who would you want drawn? If i'm able to draw them then i'd love to trade! Ive got one person ahead of you currently im working on my part for c:

Sounds good! And I havent seen barq in what feels like forever, so nice to see them again!

Awesome! Yep, I've got him~ I'll get started on my half when I can!

*cries* genuinely precious! Im going to wait to save it for when my end is done since im sick and trying to manage a bunch of symptoms no thanks to the hospital Dx

13 Replies

I'd love to do a trade if you are interested. I csn offer a chibi too

What character would you be want me to draw? c:

Sorry for the late reply got busy with work- Probably this bean

Is the leg design where its cutoff fully creme colored?

Yes! If you still wanted to do it for sure lmk and I will start on my half ;v;!

Sure I can draw them I think! Would you mind holding off on starting your end until I finish mine? c:

by the way just making sure, you want them to be drawn anthro still correct? or do you want a feral one like in the example? c:

3 Replies