Art Fight + Update

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago by chiliechii_inactive


Been rather inactive here (and DA) for the past month or so because things got busy irl lol. In other words, there was a shit ton of graduations happening (my own included, hi I have my BA and a minors now) and got busy with family things.

I'm in the process of FINALLY applying to art school! Unfortunately, I am also being laid off tomorrow-- I guess I had to loose something to gain something??? Lol.

ANYWAY, that being said I still kinda wanna do art fight! No big promises or anything, but I really wanna draw ya'lls nerds ok. Hopefully I'll have the time to make some doodles!

That's pretty much it lol. I only wanted to give a little update to those who cared and what not, haha. 


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