Changing Characters Visibility

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by Old-Orie

Authorization Poll


NFT thefts have moved on to and as all the artwork for my characters are drawn by my friends, and many other amazing artists, I have decided to have my characters all set to "authorized users only." I hate having to do this but I refuse to be the reason any art from my friends and others turns up for such use. Here is a forum post (short and concise) that sums it up well enough!

I also plan to create watermark for all my files, as explained in the forum post above the authorization works but has one flaw in it. Thus I shall be creating a watermark to hopefully slow down these NFTs from stealing more artwork than has already been done. On a final note: if your characters are authorize only and you request to be authorized--I would appreciate you do the same in return! I would like for it to be a mutual agreement and not so much one-sided for either party!

Thank you!


This situation with NFTs honestly just gets worse and worse everyday ;; have started to at least make sure my watermark is in place for everything.. bleh why can't we just have nice things ;;

Isn't that the truth!?!
Why does it always seem when things are going smoothly and people are actually being kind to one another there seems a hiccup must come along. I created a quick watermark and am currently in the process of watermarking everything. I wish it didn't have to come to that but this NFTs situation has just gotten worse and worse (as you said) and I'd rather not give any chances to have any artwork stolen ;-;

A few weeks ago my boyfriend & I were trying to explain to some friends what NFTs were (which ended up inc a conversation about crypto) and the conversation just ends up at the conclusion that these types of things are just too easily corrupted by bad people. It only takes a couple people to not care about others work, rights, the environment etc to sour the whole thing, which is what of course has happened. And now everyone is in it just for a quick buck regardless of how they obtain it. I am kinda surprised to see them targeting adoptables but at this rate they appear to be ripping off everything n anything.I have seen some threads on twitter about what can be done legally and I really hope some solution is found as it's blown out of proportion super quickly, some poor artists have like entire galleries worth of stuff minted as NFTs, it's so bad

That absolutely sickens me!!
You are one-hundred percent correct though! What may have started out as something harmless (so to speak) has quickly turned into a nightmare for many involved. I don't understand the need to earn money in such a way, as there are honest ways of doing such. But yet again, there are those in this world that don't care for an honest way of anything (life, money, relationships, etc) and will look for a super quick way to earn a quick buck. I don't believe any of this should be going on! I am no artist but I don't feel anyone has a right to take any piece (whether art, literature, or any other medium) and use it in such a way! It hurts everyone involved--at least those that put their heart, soul, and time into the piece and the one that commissioned or received said piece as a gift.

I am glad though that you, and your boyfriend, are making others aware! I also am hoping that this NFTs situations are quilled rather quickly!