(Scroll to the bottom for a TL;DR)

Hello Everyone. 

As stated in the last bulletin, I wanted to look over my coaster personification story, Tricks and Turns, and make an update to the last bulletin or a completely new bulletin detailing what I learned about my story (& presumably what will be done with it going forward). Due to the length of this explanation, I’ve decided to choose the latter option to present what I’ve learned about T&T. I started working on T&T back in early August 2020 (though I had concepts for the story floating around in my head months before that), wanting to focus on writing the summary of the story first. Writing this summary took me just over a year, with the first draft finished in mid August 2021. Like I’ve stated previously, I had put the development of T&T on pause after a few revisions to the story summary in order to focus on school. When winter break arrived, I had the chance to re-read and revise the summary to see if the characters, plot, etc. were both enjoyable and made sense for the world it took in. I’m happy to report that (for the most part, but this could always be fixed when writing out the story proper), I found myself satisfied with how the plot progressed, how the characters were portrayed/what role they had in the story, how the characters motivations were laid out, etc. With that, I felt comfortable with what ended up being the final draft the summary; This meant that I could begin writing the story as it was intended to be formatted (like how the two prequel stories were written). 

Unfortunately, I have to announce that the development of Tricks and Turns will not be going forward from that point. The main reason why is that I do not think I can write and publish chapters that are (a) released on a consistent basis and (b) up to my personal standards. This upcoming semester will be the last before I graduate college, and I plan to continue my education in Graduate School. Additionally, I also work part-time during the week and may find an internship later on in order to help me transition into a full-time job based on what I’ve been studying. As such, I cannot devote as much time to T&T as I would like without either compromising the quality of my school work or T&T itself. While I could just take my time writing the story, it would mean hiatuses of weeks or months between chapter releases, and therefore be years until the story’s completion. Inevitably, some people would become tired of waiting and move on, but some people would still hold out hope that the story would be finished. This would likely create a scenario where I become frustrated with how the slow pace of releases is, I simply become bored/tired of writing it, my interests completely change, etc. I would likely end up cancelling the story mid-completion for my sake in this scenario, leaving it forever unfinished and the few who stuck around disappointed. Also, I had planned to draw scenes from the story to go along with some of the chapters, which would only add to my workload. Finally, my interests have shifted since I began working on T&T; while roller coasters and coaster personifications are still things I enjoy, my main interest now lies in robot combat (specifically BattleBots, which just premiered its sixth season). T&T was always meant to be a passion project, something that I could work on in my downtime from school and a mere addition to the content I post instead of being the main focus. But with the passion I once had for it gone & big changes occurring/set to occur in my life, T&T would likely just become more work for me to do. In my case, art is a break from work, not an addition to it- and I would hate for T&T to turn into that.  

While I do not know how many people were interested in reading T&T, I apologize for disappointing those who were. However, I don’t want all the effort that went into T&T going to waste. So starting in late January/early February, I will be posting the story summary for T&T incrementally on my Toyhouse (with attached disclaimers about it’s unpolished nature). That way, you guys will be able to experience T&T in some form and it doesn't just gather dust in my computer. As for the drawings of scenes from the story, those may still be produced. However, it would be without explicit connections to T&T. I hope you can understand my reasoning as to why T&T was cancelled, but continue to follow me and enjoy my creative works despite this. 

TL;DR- Tricks and Turns has been cancelled because I don’t have the time to write out the story in the novel format I intended it to be in (among other reasons), and I do not want to leave you guys waiting for a story that might not ever be finished. However, I will be incrementally posting the finalized story summary for those who were interested in reading it, starting in late January/early February. 



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