what ? ?

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago by Raikukitty

I feel kinda stupid for not realizing this earlier but do you ever think about how fucking unoriginal we are? We can only copy what we've seen with our own eyes, what about our thoughts, our emotions, our dreams, we comprehend everything through visual ques, and we are so dumb that we can't even properly express what emotions are in a limited language we're forced to learn. 

Even so we can't even properly communicate with others, just this dumbed down society and everything about it.

Not only that but all the "closed species" hell, even make believe species in general- It all has something we've seen.

All of them walk on two or four or six+ legs (Humans, Mammals, Bugs) all of them have a face, have eyes, have a body structure- Why? Why are we so limited to just that, can't we use our damn brain and actually think of something, not just be limited to what we see? 
Maybe there have been species completely out of the blue, change what normal is and give their true imput on what's original, we even compliment the unoriginal or maybe the slightly more original and act like it's the most original thing, we're still so dumbfounded and bound by what we see. 
Because this pleasant, this good, this beauty, I think it's just what the world tells us and we won't be able to break out of it. 

I probably won't be getting any more closed species on this mindset :'D Like you're just copyrighting or acting like you "created" something, when you didn't no one did, your "species" is all something we've seen before on this planet, in this world, in this life, and maybe even in your dreams, but nothing is truly your thoughts, your imagination, and we act so overprotective of it. Even your personality is probably a blend of everything you saw in other people and left an imprint on you, or forced out of you.


mind blown

Tbh idc if its a closed species or not, ill probably get it if its a pretty design :"3

aaa yeah true!! If it's a nice design it's perfectly okay but like MYO slots.... :'0 Like I get it if it's about the RP group but aside from that I don't see why you're buying it if you're not gonna even be a part of the RP community :'0

profound and true
