The deadline for the Favorite Things prompt is August 18, please send in all submissions by that time. For this first issue only, you can still send in a piece for the Visual Kei prompt until that date as well. This is a special extension we have made to allow as many submissions as possible for our first issue of Vari-A Magazine. You are allowed to submit any sort of creation for these prompts. 

Also, we are requesting that all current members of Vari-A submit a short bio to this thread for their included characters, so that we can introduce them in the magazine. You do not need to have participated in either prompt in order to do this, so please take a minute and do so.

For those who are not participating in the prompts, you might be interested in our new Monthly Interview. Answer 8 quick questions about your character and submit to have them included in the magazine with your staff bio. This will be an ongoing option for those who are unable to participate or uninterested in whatever the ongoing prompts are each month, though you can still do the interview, and prompts as well. 


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