Story Notes

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago by X-Efflorescence-X

If this were a graphic novel, would you read it?

0 Votes Eh, maybe. I don't really have an opinion.
0 Votes Ew, fuck no! This story is garbage!!
  • Vincent is half orc, half human
  • His mother (the human) was a healer, and his father (the orc) was a war cheif
  • Everyone thinks that his mother was raped, because that's just how orcs are (not necessarily, but is a common misconception) However, in actuality both of them wanted to have a child, and their relationship was consensual
  • The mother and father met amidst a war, and she healed him. He admired her compassion. Although their relationship had to stay secret, they became close, and she was impregnated. They knew from the beginning that she wouldn't survive childbirth, since Vincent would be larger than a human baby and she would likely bleed to death. However, they didn't think of it at the time of procreation. But she was willing to die for her child out of love for him and his father. When the time came, he visited her in secret. As predicted, she passed away soon after birth. He knew he couldn't keep the child without being found out, so he gave Vincent to a more open-minded orc whom he trusted to find a good home for him. Before leaving, the father gave the other orc a letter that was to be given to Vincent once he was of age. He was taken far away from the orc homelands and given to a human couple who had just lost their child. Of course, it wouldn't be long before the news spread across town. Although some were skeptical, most citizens were okay with the presence of a child who was half orc. It was mainly because he was the "son" of a blacksmith, which is a highly-respected position. Not only that, but orcs are known for their great blacksmithing skills. He soon became well known in the town, since he was such a unique individual. As soon as he was old enough, he began learning from his "dad" and became an apprentice. 
  • When Vincent read his father's letter, he set out on a journey to find him. Except, when he gets there, his father is no longer war chief. Word got out about his interracial relationship with Vincent's mother, as well as their child, he was exiled for "dishonoring his people". 
  • Oof that's all I have for now, there will be updates eventually


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