
Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by goonicornmasterlist


"Hello fellow traveler! How can I help you? Care to buy the one or other thing?"

A new friend - 25$
Custom Slot with traits from common to rare

Loved companion - 35$
Custom Slot with traits from common to very rare

Special Encounter - 50$
Custom Slot with at least 1 Custom trait

Homemade - 13$
MYO Slot with traits from common to rare

Own specialty - 23$
MYO Slot with traits from common to very rare

Glow Up - 5$
Let’s you change one trait to any other trait (except legendary)

Gender Magic - 5$
Let’s you change the gender of your goonicorn

Heating lamp -35$
1 Merging Slot

Incubator - 20$
1 Merging permission

Fairy Blessing - 15$
Double the fun, makes sure your egg contains two goonicorns

Shop Rules and Information

- You can buy items by messaging Cultro directly! Please do not message this account, it doesn't get checked every day.
- After buying and item you can resell It (e.g. You buy a MYO-Slot but never get the time to use It so you decide to sell/trade It away), in that case you have to inform us so that we can update the list. Always keep proof of your purchase!
- Payment in USD via Paypal.
- When buying a MYO-Slot and creating a goonicorn you still need to send it to Cultro for approval and an official number.
- Items don't expire!
! Please read related rules before buying, Items or money spent won't be refunded!


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