JUST.. opening up a few to fill up my queue a lil and to push me over a lil w/ my current funds bc I don't wanna be super super broke after paying my overdue bills LOL;; I will be opening six icon commissions and two coloured waist up commissions!



1. Grima - PAID

2. buttermaster - PAID


4. Taxable_Income - PAID

5. Kunamei - PAID

6. KingyYosmemaru - N/A



1. 216th - PAID

2. occultluxury - PAID

comment below or pm to claim! sorry for so few slots, been needing to wear my wrist brace recently so work has been slow!


May I reserve an icon? ( I get paid at midnight! )
[Its okay to say no haha, I was hoping to get a Kitkin drawn! c: ]

absolutely!! and no worries w/ getting paid late there's no huge rush either!! Plus i was out all evening so i ended up getting back to people super late sfjdks

but please pm me details when you get the chance! ♥

hey I never heard back from you after replying to your comment-- LOL;; Were you still interested in the chibi icon? I'm not sure if TH ate a note you sent or not, but I'm checking back now since I've completed all the ones prior! Let me know! \o/ 

Since I never heard back from you I'm just gonna go ahead and assume you're no longer interested! If you have interest in an icon in the future just keep an eye out for openings ! o/ 

Fuuuuq I always miss these

FJDSLFSD THERE WERE ONLY A FEW SLOTS SO ITS OK.. there is always a future opening where i actually open a good number of slots 

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YAA of course!! pm me details!! ♥

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AAAA ABSOLUTELY!! I'm so sorry for the late reply I was out all evening! T___T you can pm me details!! ♥

Could I claim a chink icon :0!

(About to start work now and will have to send details later but !!! )

yes you can!! and no rush at all! ♥ pm the deets when you get the chance! 

Id love a chibi icon!

yess! absolutely \o/ pm me details!! ♥

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yesss!! of course!! \o/ pm me details!! ♥

Can I get a waist up sketch comm!!

absolutely!! pm me details ♥