
Posted 5 years, 9 months ago by sweetbunberry

is rating art by quality a good or bad?

2 Votes good (explain in comments)
0 Votes bad (explain in comments)
3 Votes neutral / no opinion

is there some reason why people don't like doing character trades w me? i mean like,, is it bc the art is lq?

what even qualifies as lq? it's kind of disheartening and i've lost a lot of motivation to be active on here and draw anything...

could someone help me out here and tell me what's so undesirable?


I really think it isn't because of quality (your chars are adorable and I would love to trade) but I think it's more that a lot of people are indecisive on what to pay/trade, so are disheartened by the thought of offering a possibly wrong amount