Taking offers on all my OCs

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago by Huhh

I haven’t been connecting to a lot of my characters recently and I feel bad, I have been pretty busy with school and stuff so that really doesn’t help 

Anyways offer on anyone except Sonas or any closed species OCs , I’ll be extremely tentative with my important folder but still offer

Please only offer OCs and art, feel free to post here, on character pages, or pm me, I’ll answer to everyone !!

Please don’t get upset if I say no!! I’m probably going to be very picky


hi! would you possibly consider art offers on Campbell and/or orion? :0

I have examples here: https://sta.sh/21jodrz9b7cl

thanks for reading!

Yo!! How much are you willing to offer for each?? I love your art ooo

2 fullbodies each?? can add on pixels too :0 [weeps sorry I'm never sure abt what to offer oof, let me know if it should be more! thank u tho !!]

That’s great !! Do you think you could do a fullbody or Woodstock, brindle, jelly, and Margo?

/sorry i can’t link rn I’m on my phone as/

yep, I think I could do fullbodies of them! : D

Awesome!! Once they’re done I’ll transfer the two kids over !

Just wonderingif you were still interested !! 

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I probably won't be trading For, sorry !!!

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i love focus, zippers and For so much omggg
i can do art and if you see any characters you like just ask??? https://toyhou.se/kiffell/characters/folder:unsorted 
i'd also be willing to do custom designs!! 

I don’t think I’m interested in any of your OCs ,, sorry man !! Thanks for the interest though!

i'd be willing to offer art then?? I could do some fullbodies and pixels/pixel gifs?
if not its totally ok! 

I don’t think I’d want just art for any of them,, sorry man !! Thank you so much for the offer though,

i love datura, hira, solo and for feel free to go through my th

I probably won’t trade datura and maybe Hira?? But I’ll probably trade solo I doubt you’ll trade a lot/any of these but I love Woodstock, splice, jelly, brindle, ghosting, and Elvis. I’d trade Hira for almost any of them and solo for any of them lmao

Tbh if youre willin to do datura i could do woodstock, i can do brindle and maybeee jelly for hira

I’d accept those three for datura and hira aaI haven’t been doing enough with either of them anyways so.. plus i trust you’ll take hecking good care of them Oo

I’ll transfer them over as soon as I know you’ve seen this and your totally 100% still sure with the trade !

Sendin em over now!!!

Thank you so much !! I’ll take good care of them omh aa!! And I’ll for sure let you know if I ever wanna trade them but i seriously doubt it aa, lmk if you want to trade datura too hh

1 Replies

afdhdghdgh sorry for double comment bit would you consider art for solo? idk what it is w their design but i’m sometimes really attracted to conventionally “ugly” colours

Yeah!! It’s fine! I’d take art for them, how much would you offer? Ugly colors are the best om g,, and bright colors 

idm doin what you’d like! just don’t overwork me !!

Do you think you could do like five pieces ?? Because that’s about half as many pieces of art they have

And it doesn’t matter to me if they’re fullbodies, busts, headshots, etc

But if five is too much lemme know !!

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Aw man sorry!! The only characters I saw that I was interested in was comfort oops, you have nice OCs lmao, thank you so much for offering though!!

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GOSH hey hey Bellini! Ngl but you have some dream ocs so I'm ready to offer!

I absolutely love: https://toyhou.se/831360.for , https://toyhou.se/2309583.focus, and https://toyhou.se/831435.timothy

I know I have this oc you were interested in, https://toyhou.se/2274821.sahara , so I offer them to you as well!

As for art, Edit: 5 Fullbody Pieces and 5 headshots for For 5 Fullbody Pirces for Focus And perhaps 2-3 fullbodies and Sahara for Timothy?

And of course, I am always willing to add on more!

Ooh man I might trade focus, I’ll need to think about t and see if there are any more offers though ?? I’ll let you know though soon!! Thank you so much for offering wow

Aww yiss, I love that little sheep! Take your time Bellini, and good luck getting offers! It was my pleasure! <3

I don’t know if you’re still interested but I’m still willing to trade focus for Sahara and some art maybe ?? But if you don’t want to do art anymore that’s fine ???? Aa sorryfor gwtting back so late

Pff I am 100% down with that! Thank you! What kind of pieces, how many pieces and who would you like me to draw?

Anything is fine ? What would you want to draw ??

7 Replies

hi belli boo !! Honestly I love this kiddo


Tbh ill be happy to trade anyone thats not in the 00 folder! (01 folder would just be a little more tentative but I really love zippers so idc) I can trade several for him! And I totally understand if you don't wanna trade him away!


Oo man I’m not sure if I’m willing to let go of zippers for any of them ,, I’m sorry man !! Also happy late birthday,, sorry i haven’t said t sooner?? I’ve been busy with school and cross country,, and I’ll be making your present over the weekend !!

Its totally fine I understand! And thank you! You dont have to apologize for not telling me hbd lol its cool ❤