Comments on Taking offers on all my OCs All Comments

GOSH hey hey Bellini! Ngl but you have some dream ocs so I'm ready to offer!

I absolutely love: ,, and

I know I have this oc you were interested in, , so I offer them to you as well!

As for art, Edit: 5 Fullbody Pieces and 5 headshots for For 5 Fullbody Pirces for Focus And perhaps 2-3 fullbodies and Sahara for Timothy?

And of course, I am always willing to add on more!

Ooh man I might trade focus, I’ll need to think about t and see if there are any more offers though ?? I’ll let you know though soon!! Thank you so much for offering wow

Aww yiss, I love that little sheep! Take your time Bellini, and good luck getting offers! It was my pleasure! <3

I don’t know if you’re still interested but I’m still willing to trade focus for Sahara and some art maybe ?? But if you don’t want to do art anymore that’s fine ???? Aa sorryfor gwtting back so late

Pff I am 100% down with that! Thank you! What kind of pieces, how many pieces and who would you like me to draw?

Anything is fine ? What would you want to draw ??

7 Replies