Possible Species/Race Names

Posted 6 years, 25 days ago by X-Efflorescence-X

Okay I'm not sure how many of these I'll actually use, but they're here for me nonetheless. Big thanks to Fantasy Name Generator, I'm not sure how the names are supposed to be pronounced but I'll add my version of the pronunciation in which I think sounds good. Not necessarily correct, but good. 

  • Nilovian (neel-oh-vee-anne)
  • Dres (drace)
  • Rafneone (rawf-nee-own)
  • Utar (oo-tarr)
  • Deanalian (day-anne-all-ee-anne)
  • Clandite (Clan-dite)
  • Aprynash (Aprih-nash)
  • Klodsine (clod-sine)
  • Kryth (krith)
  • Azai (uh-zay-eye)
  • Ichreat (ick-ree-ought)
  • Dannazian (Duh-nah-zee-anne)
  • Deafronee (Dee-aff-row-nee)
  • Otryx (awe-tricks)
  • Pleoth (Plith)
  • Blazairn (Bluh-zay-urn)
  • Drin (drihn)
  • Crosh (Cr-awe-sh)
  • Efla (eh-fluh)
          Lastly, I'm not sure if this should be a race or species name, but rather a place name. A name that means "Exit to the Moon".
  • Exis-Lune (Ehcks-iss-loon-ay)
 PLEASE DO NOT USE THESE! These names are for my use and my use only! If you need a name, for literally anything, GO TO FANTASY NAME GENERATORS DOT COM! The site is great for all your naming needs!


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