Posted 5 years, 9 months ago by aomaoe

Since the last myo event-type opening wasn't as successful as I'd hoped- I'm back to slots! Please comment below or PM me to claim. I'll open about 10 slots!

rules and information

- $30 base price

- $5 for any UNCOMMON TRAITS you'd like to add (each)

- One slot per person! 

- Rare trait possibilities can be DISCUSSED but be prepared to be denied (base price is $50 for special MYO slots that include ONE rare trait) 

- payment is upfront and due within 48 hours of claiming! NO REFUNDS

- PLEASE HAVE YOUR DESIGN FINISHED WITHIN 1-2 MONTHS! (there are a TON of unfinished slots out there, so I would like to keep those numbers where they are!) 

- your design MUST be approved by me

- Once you have had your design approved- it is final! No major changes may be made. If you do any edits, please run them by me! 

- please do not make your design similar to any pre-existing ones

- my TOS is here 

- trait list can be found here



Paypal address: (this is so I can keep organized, I don't tend to do invoices!) 

Uncommon traits: (y/n, please list each one if so!)

Special slot: (y/n only if you've been approved!) 

Total: (self explantory)

PLEASE comment below to claim or pm me! I may be also offering a one time deal of having MYO designs "officialized" in a way where I'll offer a flat rate of $45 to draw them as a chibi! Not so much a base- just a chibi so you have an official reference of your design if interested! Let me know when ordering if you might be o/ 

1. cappuchi - UC1 - CHIBI ✔ - PAID

2. Lehmurix - UC1 - CHIBI ✔ - PAID

3. occultluxury - UC2 - CHIBI ✔ - PAID

4. storm - UC1 - CHIBI ✖ - PAID

5. redsplendence - R2UC1 - CHIBI ✔✔ - PAID - APPROVED

6. Galantines - R1 - CHIBI ✔ - PAID

7. witchbird - UC1 - CHIBI ✖ - PAID


Are these still open? (awjfkwa i know it's relatively old, apologies!)

they are! and npnp, the bulletin is still up! \o/ the only thing i won't be offering anymore is the additional chibi bonus bc i've changed art programs and i haven't actually found a chibi style on it yet fDSJLFDS

I would love a slot then, if I may :'>

Paypal address: [email protected]
Uncommon traits: 1 UC please
Special slot: n
Total: 35$

absolutely!! I'll add you to my list in a sec. And you can send the payment through this handy link!! just make sure no address is listed \o/

Sent, thank you so much! :'> Where shall I post the kiddo when I make it?

i got it, ty!! and you can pm me with your design for approval! ♥

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Yes you can!! You can also send the 45 (or 40 if you decide against the super perky ears) to [email protected] as goods and services w/ no shipping address! I'll ask for the chibi payment after your design has been approved since that'll just be easier for me to keep track of! \o/ 

A few recent examples of super perky ears are, the middle one in this CYOP batch, Luminous Laurel from this batch, the vampire appositi here, succusiti - though hers are a lil more pointed forward than up, and this collab design here!   it basically means the ears are more on top of the head and point directly up- sometimes longer than usual too! 

EDIT: WAIT wouldn't your myo only be 40? You only have two UC traits listed..   

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I LVOE LOW EARS SO I FEEL and I got it, ty! 

(no worries on the delay!) 

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AAA okay! you can send the $35 to [email protected] as goods and services w/ no shipping address! You can pay for the chibi after you've had your design approved and then I can work on that when the time comes!! \o/ 

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Paypal address: [email protected]

Uncommon traits: y!
- Third pair of wings

Special slot:  n

Total: $35 (still deciding of the UC traits? I apologies gitgerg)

** I would be interested in the special transfer? (having you draw the babe!) i was curious if that's an option during or before the myo process?? because I wanted to try and earn more funds first before I jump into the option!

It would be after you complete the design, so you can hold off until you have more funds! I can mark you down for it regardless and once you've designed the appositi you can return for the upgrade! \o/ 

If that works for you, you can send the 35 to [email protected] as goods and services w/ no shipping address! 

thank you so much! ;o; payment sent your way <3