Design delivery time! Furlumies

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by SparklingWoods
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Discord Group and Facebook Group

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If you don't wanna do the design anymore you are allowed to pass your Myo for a friend or someone who wanted for FREE, we only need your permission on the comments like this:

º Your slot number:

º The original slot owner name (on TH) + the person you are giving the myo to (TH/facebook/discord link) name

º Im giving my slot because...... (optional):

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For those who haven't sent the design yet, we prefer that you send it either on our ''Design Approval'' discord channel or on the ''Design approval'' Facebook post, if you don't usually use these social midias then you can send it here in this TH post and we will send your Owner Card in the TH inbox

If you are going to send us on ToyHouse in this post, send it like this:

°ToyHouse name -

° Slot number - #

° Link for the design with watermark (you can use imgur website) -

° Social midia to send the Owner Card (Optional) -

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Below I will answer some questions about the design

1 ° A rule of the specie is that Furlumies cannot have colored body marks, and we noticed that many people used the excuse that it was paint body, for now body marks can only be: Natural as for example - Scars, burns and others. Tattoos need to look like one, having black lines like lineart for example, or in Henna style

2 ° The ears and antennas cannot have any kind of draw

3 ° We ask that the tail fur be inspired by an animal furry like as Zebra or Tigers, stars or hearts for exemple are unique traits for special Furlumies

4 ° Skin colors should be natural colors like humans

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   Hello <3 I have a friend who was unable to attend the opening and is interested in a MYO! Anyone interested in passing it on to her? She can answer by FB or Disc. Thanks <3 uwu