im going to fail this DBQ

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago by Hacibee

Me: *writing my DBQ*

Writing: With poverty, came famine. A large portion of India is heavily affected by India.

me: wait hang on *rereads* omg im going to fail highschool


Ah you have to do DBQs too?

I hate them so much ;v;

i knooowwwww were only given an hour or two, usually, to do ours and it suckkksssss


We are given two to three class periods to answer the questions and write an essay ;v;

We have one class to answer the periods and questions sometimes, then other times they give us a week. school can go commit die


“A large portion of India is heavily affected by India.”

-Biayau 2018

my new quote.

I mean you're not wrong

hAha youre right--

please help me how am i going to survive 3 more years of this-

sell your soul that's what I did

i have no more soul to selll

sold it 10 years ago for half a corn chip

rip I don't have anymore ideas rip

im just

its okay i submit the final draft and i pray i didnt forget to capitalize India--

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