March Menu

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by Kota Neyuse

Hi hi masters! We have prepared another special event for this month! Let’s go into the details!

MYO shop

From now on, Dora’s shop will only be open for the first 7 days of the month but will keep working the same as always! Please refer here or to the first comment of the bulletin to purchase any of her goods.

March Event

Since our Valentine event was quite different from the usual ones, we decided to host something more on the line for White Day!

For this event we ask you, master, to design a chocolate themed after your Daeles! We are also providing a PSD card that you can use to add the flavor’s name as well as a short description of it.
Please draw it in a similar way as the sample showed in the batch preview, so nothing half eaten or cut in half!

Each participant gets 5BD, you can enter multiple times if you own more than one Daeles but you won’t get extra BD! You have until the 27th to submit your entries.
On the 30th, all cards will be compiled and posted in a new bulletin so everyone can see all the chocos together.
Please don’t show your cards and choco design to others as there will be a small game too!

If you get to identify at least half of the entries for which choco represents each of the Daeles submitted you will get 3 extra BD!

When submitting your entries please send the PNG of your card to any of the mods via DMs. We are looking forward to all your entries!!

White Day Batch

Following the White Day theme, this month’s batch is a 6 male semi chibi batch. Here is a small sneak peak for them~


We count on the amazing help of the patissiers Wintaa, SHIUWO, Elusivekiwi and butterdream for this batch! They will come with the choco and the card too.

Each of them will cost 45€ and sold as FCFS. The bulletin for them will be posted the 14th, same hour as usual! 

This is all for this month! Hope you enjoy this small event and look forward to the reveal of the designs! Love from Neyu and her butlers, Piki and Wintaa.


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Dm any! Except chee since she is only the coder ovo

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You mean the card? If it is because you don't have a program to open it, photopea is online and free! And not is not, all events are free to join ^^

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it works like any other program! and for this event yes! As all cards will be needed for the final part of the event at the end of the month

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If you can't download the edited file try to make a big screenshot of the card, does it allow you to edit it at least? You only need to edit the text and paste the choco art on it

3 Replies

Shop is closed for this month, please come back next month...