Instagram drama

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago by fizzelston

Well so I had to make a new account :^)
here Im 


thats so corrupted wtf... anyways, im wanco_alien there and followed ya! this is more cursed than twitter just suspending random accs geez :/

Yeah!? Ikr ;_;!
I followed you back thank you buddy!!

That's so weird that it just Went s: ANYWAY, of course I followed you again!


Thank you buddy!! Means a LOT TO ME

Yikes, I heard what happened; I wasn’t able to say anything up until now whoops

But yeah I have no clue why you ol account suddenly vanished, that’s really strange; but that aside hopefully everything goes well with your new account!

AH its fine dw friendo! Thanks for your comment tho!

I hope it too ;-;! 

Wow... this is why I left Instagram, it went total shit. They deleted my posts randomly and I lost all my view in few days.. I'm sorry that happened to your account D: 

Yo! Thats extre shitty as well!! Im also sorry for your account dude! But thanks!

Insta is just a shitty platform now I’m glad I left

Regular users get their accounts shutdown while thousands of fake / spam accounts posting questionable content and porn are still on the roads

Yeah :^\ its that most of my friends use it and I dont want to miss their content that I came back tbh

This user's account has been closed.

My instagram magically.. dissapeared? It was just POOF gone with no reason :'D! I e-mailed their support mail, and filled in their "report a bug" thing, but I didnt get any awnsers :')! 

This user's account has been closed.

AH thank you dude!    your the best!