how do ping list and comm waitlists work

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by sans

this is a genuine question i can kinda understand how pinglists work but i never understood commission waitlists (like when the comms are closed) does anyone know how it works ?


Yeye the waitlist are essentially who you contact first after ur current queue is up! 

ouu okay thank you!! i feel i would be pressured honestly KLHFDKYG like omg they're waiting on me

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i see ty for explaining!! does this mean i delay public comm announcements then  if there's waitlist?

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Basically people “reserve” a slot for when you open them again. Kind of like restaurant reservations 

ty for explaining! does this mean that when its their turn, you dm them? :o what if they dont respond or something

Yup! If they don’t respond you would just move on to someone else because it’s not like you did any work for them at the time so it’s just whatever yknow? ^_^

It's pre-claiming a slot basically so when comms do open you get notified first

i see, thank you for explaining! does this mean you delay announcing comms to the public or other people until that person accepts/turns it down?