hello! future plans

Posted 5 years, 6 months ago by aomaoe

I'm still finishing up some stuff from my October queue (got a lil slow with more days than expected of watching my nephews) but when that's done I really need to buckle down and take on some more work! My brother in law who is my family mechanic needs to get some surgery soon- and our car needs a motor vehicle check before the end of December when we gotta take it to the DMV. We've got some high price tag fixes to get done before then so I gotta kick my ass into gear and cover those costs as quickly as possible   

I was considering my holiday commissions again- but between working on what I already have and considering the days I'll be watching my nephews (increasing, since my brother in law won't be able to handle them after surgery) it's looking unlikely unless I take a lot less than I did last year. Regardless! I still might, it'll depend on where I am by early December!

I am planning some new years themed appositi (I'm gonna finish those serpositi if it kills me its been TWO YEARS) and possibly some flat rate chibi appos! If there might be interested in quick, one time price of $100 sketch customs (simple appos, mbuzi or non species designs!) please let me know, I will consider them as early as right now tbh! I'm itching to design, and sketchy designs are fun.  

As always, my to-do list can be found here! I update it as I work between the columns.




DESIGN!!!! Custom!!! YEAH!!! 👀👀


If you haven't done swirly candy cane markings on tails you totally should. Good luck with your stuff!!

OOH OMG?! WTF I'VE NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT IT SOUNDS SO CUTE.. I definitely will try it out!! AND THANK YOU!! ♥ T__T//