Slowly but surely

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by dessarts

Setting up, immersing myself in code and making this page my own has been a deeply needed self care exercise I didn't know I needed. Though I forgot how to sit properly and now I've got a wicked kink in my neck. Oof

I don't even know what I want to say here. Not just here, but the internet in general. I feel like I was asleep for 10 years and just now woke up into a totally different web of walled gardens and closed cliques. But I wasn't asleep, I was working a dead end job that almost killed me. Now everything rings similar in the digital art world, but it feels empty and monetized and I don't get what people are even purchasing? I need a young friend to help my elder brain understand.

Okay, I'm gonna add in some more characters tonight and then back to working on my world info. My hope is that if I get it all out of my head and into some semblance of reality then one of my life goals will be completed. And we love to complete goals.

To Do:


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