(POLL) Commissions Reopening Discount- Which one?

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

Which percentage should I do for a discount?

4 Votes 25%
4 Votes 45%
7 Votes 50%
0 Votes Other (Comment!)

So based on the feedback from my custom raffle (in which by the way you can participate in! Link : Here! ), it seems like if I do a discount for my commission reopening, that wouldn’t be a bad idea- 

However, which percentage of discounts should I do? I have three options in mind: 25% , 45% and even 50% 

(The math based on my most expensive commission option, Custom Design commissions at $75 USD are all below so one can get an idea of how much each option impacts the pricing!) 

*(EDIT) Disclaimer: Due to my various options, this exact pricing applies for the vouchering payment options. Discord Nitro + Toyhouse premium are priced to the closest amount to these prices but are not exact! Keep that in mind, but they will also be discounted! This already applies for normal prices.

(25%) $75 -> $56.25 

(45%) $75 -> $41.25

(50%) $75 -> $37.50

Thank you if you vote on the poll and for everyone’s feedback so far!

EDIT: It seems like the poll winner is 50%, but when I posted poll on Twitter the winner was 25%- So I’ll go with the in between value of 45%! Thanks for voting everyone! 


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