78117055_6SlJDGviRoktIo4.pngTime flies and before you realise it’s the middle of May! We’ve had so many amazing entries for the prompt so far, and as promised in the monthly bulletin we’re dropping another event and a raffle. This month is a lot more busy and we'll be calming down in June, but for now please enjoy the events we have planned.

The May prompt is still open until the 31st, so check it out here.


NPC Contest
May 14th - May 31st


"Masters Mercury and Enestofal are hiring again! No one really knows what happened to the old interns, but it can't be that bad, can it? Please do apply, our benefits are an insured pension and free dental!"

The Dreadnaut NPC contest begins today! Starting now, you can design a naut to fit into official lore. Please take a look at the guidelines below:

 Requirements and terms:

  1. At minimum a clean colored full body with traits listed. You may add extra graphics, etc but we'll be looking at design first and foremost
  2. Sea terror is optional, but encouraged.
  3. Write a short description about your NPC, minimum 50 words. Detailed description may be put on an off-site link such as google drive
  4. Winner consents to design being used as an NPC and becomes owned by the community (eligible to be used for events, only profile is on the ML!). Creator gets a say in lore and character details. 
  5. Winners will be community nominated (all designs will be voted on via form, and the top five voted) with staff picking the final three

You can use decayed traits or keep it all common, as long as you abide by normal MYO rules! If you're uncertain about your design, you can check by DMing the ML account dreadnauts with the normal approval form but with the title "NPC CONTEST CHECK" or alternatively, head to the NPContest category on the discord

You can only submit one Dreadnaut design to be an NPC, and at the moment linked non Naut NPCs aren't allowed. Although we encourage a basic story/personality with the submission, please keep it relatively basic and not super specific (like making their entire family tree).

First Prize – Design becomes official NPC, have a say in their personality and involvement in canon, Decayed slot
Second Prize – Choice between making design real OR a common slot, extra fisher tokens
Third Prize – Extra fisher tokens, common slot

As usual, all participants get fisher tokens along with a participation raffle at the end of the event!

Submissions are done under the comments of this bulletin, using this form:
Artist Username:
NPC Name - Theme:
Short description: (for longer descriptions, feel free to link a gdocs):
Submission image: (Must be a flat png through s.tash or drive)


Custom Dreadnaut Raffle

As promised, we have a staff custom raffle. This custom does not require a slot. The artist will be our very own @pazer223, whose portfolio you can check out on this link.
1. Subscribe to Pazer223 and join the
 Dreadnauts - SeaTerrorTrenches world
2. Fav two ocs in their toyhouse
Fill in this form
We’ll be announcing the raffle winner to be contacted for custom details via discord, so please have your DMs open if you win! If there is no reply within 24hours we will reroll.

 Free staff raffle designs cannot be exchanged without extra art to prevent foddering. By entering, you agree to respect this rule. If you no longer wish to own the design (still without extra art) and would rather not have it on your account, contact staff and we will raffle it off.

78117055_6SlJDGviRoktIo4.png79211736_ertL2DuF9uTl4cf.pngLore Channel Updates

We welcome you to the local Fully Authentic Critical Truth channel, hosted down in club that never sleeps: 20k Leagues!
Our hosts will be the cunning Fogarty and the servant with the most, Enestofal!  Down here, these two will tell you all sorts of little things about the dreadnaut world, whether it be about other NPCs, how things work, or even...you, we have everything!

You can view extra lore, worldbuilding, and directly ask questions through the lore category on discord! Make sure to grab the lore role. We will also be updating the toyhouse world, so please look forward to that.

78117055_6SlJDGviRoktIo4.pngAdopt | GA Updates
Guest artist applications are now closed with over 120 submissions! We will be looking through the applications shortly. Chosen artists will be contacted on the 15th and details of the batch will be out by the June Newsletter. Thank you so much for the interest and the support, and we cannot wait to see the lovely designs created.

A pair of collaboration adopts will be dropped on May 27 by shibakiba and ghstkng
Fish Fact
79211735_cOCrkimuallhYIL.jpgThe Asian arowana is the world’s most expensive aquarium fish. It is a tropical freshwater fish from Southeast Asia that grows three feet long in the wild. . It has large, metallic scales, like coins; whiskers that jut from its chin; and it undulates like the paper dragons you see in a Chinese New Year’s parade. That resemblance has spawned the belief that the fish brings good luck and prosperity, which is why it has become a highly sought-after aquarium fish. Read more about the Asian arowana in this Source



Artist Username:

th: bramble59 | discord: Bramble4127 | bramble

NPC Name - Theme: 

Viridian - peacock

Short description: 

A popular model among the area, he has a friendly demeanor and is very knowledgeable. Well trusted amongst common people. However behind that mask of kindness is a criminal who works with several others behind the scenes. Anyone who learns this however. Is dead, or will be. crossing him will be a mistake you will regret. Under the chance someone lives knowing his true demeanor, it is probably because he is toying with them.
he enjoys wearing fancy things, sunglasses, and birds. He’s a bird nerd. And is very sure of himself.

Submission image:


Artist Username: Phantomie_

NPC Name -  Serverine/Sevvy Theme: Train Conductor 

Short description: The conductor with a Cheshire cat like grin, Serverine is here to make sure your trip goes smoothly! If you follow the rules that is..Serverine is cheerful, polite and unnerving calm. He is passionate about his job and gives 110% at all times, he doesn't not tolerate rude passengers. Serverine loves entertaining others, he even makes it a point to act like an entertainer whilst educating passengers about the landmarks they come across to make the trip more fun. 

Submission image: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/974323355249418240/980667173972365373/unknown-123.png

please reply here for NPC Contest entries:

Artist Username: Sovrauk
NPC Name - Theme: Ezekiel (Dr. Zeke) Doctor?
Short description: Ezekiel is your friendly neighborhood doctor, you can go to him for any sort of diseases or issues you have. He's totally not hiding anything behind that pristine image.
Submission image:

Artist Username: peppie

NPC Name - Theme: Beezlbub (Dr. B) , Doctor/Supplier

Short description: Beezlbub, more known as simply "Dr. B", is a well trusted doctor in one of the largest hospitals in the city he resides in. However; it's just a front. They actually work as a supplier for Fogarty; using her occupation as a doctor to sneakily give bodies and the like to Fogarty. Beezlbub has plans to overthrow Fogarty and become the big boss themself, but that's a secret..

Submission image: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/845784798802477096/975231986593591306/beezlbub.png

Artist Username: Pastryx
NPC Name - Theme: Morgan and Marin - Sailor Tour Guide Twins!
Short description: The twins are your friendly tour guides to guide you on a place you want to explore and know about. Their specialty is to guide you in islands, beaches, and shores! If you ask them the location of the place you're going, they'll gladly guide you and along the way, they'll state facts and stories about the locations. 

But do not always trust them on touring you though. Rumor has it that they sometimes guide people to a wrong and unfamiliar location and they end up stranded and lost.

Other than that, both of them are like two peas in a pod and both are on sync on both movement and speaking.

Submission image: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1k8jFciE7Ye72Wq3hw-Oz9-jC6nJsO0TW

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Artist Username: vessels 

NPC Name - Theme: Atticus Craw - Loanshark / Casino Owner 

Short Description: owner of the Lucky Catch Casino, a high end establishment with a seafood restaurant within! people who either end up in debt to the casino or bargain with him for money and don’t pay their side are usually seen with injured spots or worse, they’re definned! there tends to be some fishy things going on behind the scenes, but Atticus’ employees know a thing or two about... customer service :] 

Submission image: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/638045598871846914/976208194772803664/IMG_7717.png

This user is not visible to guests.
This user is not visible to guests.

Artist Username: Yamroll
NPC Name - Theme: Callie - Beachside Shopkeeper??
Short description:

Callie is the energetic and joyful owner of a mini shop called The Crab Rave! Though its rather small, she has all kinds of stuff for sale, from rare (and valuable!!) trinkets found on the sea shore, to little snacks for newcomer nauts to munch on. In fact, regulars at her store describe her as almost like an older sister :DD Of course, she doesn’t just run the store on her own. She has little pet crabs to help her out when she’s got lots to do. They’re pretty friendly! Though be careful not to accidentally squish them; the last time that happened, well, lets just say the person at fault walked away with more than just a scolding… Overall though, Callie’s a really friendly dreadnaut, who makes sure that everyone feels welcome around her store, even ‘normal’ humans :DD Just please dont piss her off; trust me, you wouldn’t want to find out what happens if you do-

Submission image: https://sta.sh/0xc46gp4xhk

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Artist Username: unstopawble

NPC Name - Theme: Rhys - Guide/Filer

 Short description: 

Rhys is a fun guy, his usual kind and easy-going attitude makes him someone approachable for others. He usually focuses on educating young sea terros how to live life on the surface and non-naughts about how their lives work, so most people come to him for tips and questions. Though his job is more like a filer, he loves doing favors. Most often wonder how he’s so good at things that aren’t supposed to be his specialty. 

Despite his friendly behavior however, he doesn’t have an exact moral compass and does whatever pops into his head most of the time, making him more dangerous than most would assume at a glance.

Submission image: https://sta.sh/01dgrux1dgy3

Artist Username: renrenyt

NPC Name - Theme: Mr. Moon - Antagonistic Art Gallery Curator / Sponsor (funds other projects and events as well)

Short description: Moon is a well-known artist whose taste is respected internationally as an art curator and patron for numerous galleries...(More in the Google Drive)

Submission image and lore: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vlR6TQ2NM7lf0fYuxJcEcAPnJz7Xib0j?usp=sharing

Artist Username: RayneCloud_Creations
NPC Name: Nikolai “Skipper” Theme: Bellhop
Short description: Nikolai is the kind but ever so clumsy Bellhop! He’s here to make your stay on the surface the most enjoyable as he can, he tends to trip over his tail quite a lot let alone knock something valuable over but he means well! He is your go to guy to run to if you have any questions to start onto the surface.
Submission image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16GA4hXGjXwlXfuzeQVAu3QbQgjV2lhQY/view?usp=drivesdk

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Artist Username: Yoshim7

NPC Name - Theme: Yuko (Deep sea sadness/mystery??)

Short description: Many associate the deep sea as a place of terror and fear, for the darkness hides the unknown. For Yuko, however, the trenches provide security and comfort; in a place where the ocean lacks light, she releases her emotions where no one can watch. As an emotional person, Yuko feels the need to conceal her feelings because they are viewed as a weakness and a waste of time. Afterall, what does a monster have to fear? On the outside and around others, she appears happy and content, but only the depths of the oceans know what lies beneath the facade. Otherwise, Yuko enjoys her time in solitude and passes her time contemplating her life and the world around her. She explores the sea, shores and coasts, and occasionally land searching for unique gadgets items for her home. As an inquisitive and adventurous spirit, traveling brings her the most comfort.

Submission image: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AKe6UVj9m6FziwfxZ1O7mmQRPa-n9xEd?usp=sharing

Artist Username: milkkye 

NPC Name - Theme: Marina - "Adventurer" 

Short description: - Marina is a self-proclaimed “adventurer”, specializing in the field of biology, dedicating most of her research in the depths of the unexplored marine world. This doesn’t mean she doesn’t work on land, either; she has the mysterious passion for the unknown nagging at her chest constantly. 

(for the longer description, check here!! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MC_9OkSJfItZ24t9HJtK70oUta9Rwe5u-7NHe1qqMlk/edit?usp=sharing)

Submission image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BTu_T4P4vEjJv0mqYKZovRSlX4Nza17s/view?usp=sharing (lmk if it doesnt work!!)

Artist Username: HauntedGhostt

NPC Name: Noir

Description: Noir is a very Happy colorful person who enjoys birds and LOVES fruit. Their pronouns are they/them



artist username: slaysnag

npc name: Peter griffnaut (experiment GU1)

short description: a man made naut, made to entertain. although, it seems to all go wrong… when the experiment escapes, going on a killing spree as a “day of reckoning” everhone changes their minds. he is not the one to make us laugh and cry. he’s everything wrong. it seems today, that all he does is commit acts of violence and do unspeakable actions on tv. his dream is to become an actor. he has no tolerance for scientists or humans. he constantly mentions the names “brian” “lois” “stewie” “meg” and “chris”. perhaps these are other subjects, forced through the same torture he was? we may never know. he’s not open to questions, and does not speak english very well. he communicates in a seemingly made up language of grunts and growls. we may never understand him. https://m.imgur.com/a/13uv4QJ

submission image: https://imgur.com/a/MyJchlO

As funny as I find this we can't accept media based characters for Dreadnauts, unfortunately

NOOO i’m frowning right now /j

I laughed irl seeing it and my brother looked at me like I lost my mind

peter griffnaut is here for you always

Artist Username: Schrutefarms

NPC Name - Theme: Nova - Fashionista/Shopkeeper (color and upgrade stuff? maybe?)

Short description: Nova is a very charismatic shopkeeper. However she’s not afraid to tell you that what you’re wearing is rather- questionable, to say the least. She will do everything within her power to ensure that every dreadnaut looks and feels marvelous! 

(insert that glow-up/makeover scene every romcom seems to have here)

Submission image: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/746137378103754793/981038323764166777/Untitled13_20220530233551.png

Artist Username: Choi

NPC Name - Theme: Myca the Rental Strength!

Short description: Myca has always been strong, both physically and emotionally. Working out is something she does more than often but it's definitely not her favorite pastime. She tends to be aggressive and rough around the edges, even after you get to know her, but deep inside she is very much a girly girl. She doesn't have a set job and works for hire, doing random gigs that need someone strong or overall a bit intimidating. This ranges from security to small things like helping people move. I personally see her being a bouncer at a club or casino like setting.

Submission image: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/209408430987804672/981054582702637096/Untitled63_20220531003800.png

Artist Username: momo-the-unknown

NPC Name - Koikoi  Theme: Wish-granting Priestess

Short description: What does your heart desire? The game-loving Dreadnaut priestess, who tends to a shrine located in the deepest part of the Shinano River (信濃川), will grant you one wish if you manage to beat her in a game of her choice. Best of luck to those who attempt to try - her cunning wit and perfect bluffs are not easily bested. 

Koikoi is a priestess of the deep sea. She preserves the ancient nautical legends of old, with the firm belief that the all things come from, and will eventually return to the sea. She doesn't understand why many Dreadnauts want to integrate with humans, and any chance meeting with her will eventually result in her attempting to convince you to return to the sea. That being said, human games are irresistible to her. It's a piece of the surface that she brings back to the depths.

Psst - word is, she likes to host giveaways to entice new playmates!

Submission image: https://sta.sh/01u5lsbrh8vf (traits in desc)

Artist Username: AltariaMotive

NPC Name - Theme: Avery (Dr. Avery), Researcher/Facility tour guide

Short description: Avery is an extremely energetic person, almost constantly moving even when apparently standing still. Though she can be very overbearing and a lot to handle, she means well and genuinely wants to best for anyone and everyone under her care. She's rather clumsy, and so has mostly been delegated to running tours of the facility, of which there are very few, if any at all, though she doesn't appear to have noticed at all.

Submission image: https://sta.sh/01rf21ui1qvl

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There's a timer going in the discord, it ends in six hours so you're good <3

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Artist Username: GusherBlankiez
NPC Name - Theme: Delphine - Performer, Mascot (?)
Short description: The star performer of the world-renowned ████████ Aquarium, founded by and catered for non-dreadnauts, and supposedly a “rival” against SHELL’s own star, Yuppy (they’re actually pretty chill around one another, it’s just the companies themselves involved in the competition). Her theatrical talents are countless, from acting, ballet, acrobatics, and many more; if it can be named, then it can be done. She is the epitome of the dreadnaut’s true capabilities and potential when put into the hands of land-dwellers…but at what cost?

Submission image: https://sta.sh/01woac6jx0u0

Artist Username: raikufu 

NPC Name - Theme: Genesis - Employment Agency Director 

Short description: 

Genesis is an eccentric and fun-loving director who ends up spending more time at the beach than doing her job- Though she says it's in case she finds a recently surfaced naut! As someone who manages an employment agency, she has a special under-the-table program for dreadnauts like herself to get accustomed to land life- From language classes, to customs lessons, etiquette, basic life, and more! 

While she's generous and gives discounts (or lessons 'on your tab'), be wary since she isn't afraid to constantly bother people for connections or networking sake! While she has short term memory for the "less important things" to her and often misplaces things, she remembers very impactful or important things for a long time. She journals a lot to make sure to not forget anything! 

Submission image: https://sta.sh/21679jnob1pd

Artist Username: olivebear666

NPC Name - Theme: Dr. Snek - Undercover Spy/Informant

Short description: Dr. Snek is your average government assigned marine biologist who loves animals, sleep, and long walks along the beach. They also love keeping secrets, just like how they keep Dreadnaut's existence from the government. Yes, although Snek works as a marine biologist, their main occupation is keeping risky secrets from ending up in government hands! And thus extracting and covering up information through any means necessary.

Submission image: https://sta.sh/0258xnpo4t49

Artist Username: mayuniki

NPC Name - Theme: Trench | Rebel / Assassin / Just a generally shady guy

Short description: 
In sharp contrast to Dreadnauts who try to form peace between land and sea, Trench strives to prevent his fellow Nauts from putting their trust in the creatures of the land. Why, you ask? Perhaps it has something to do with the many bandages on his body, or the fact that he especially hates scientists and doctors, especially ALTUM Labs... 

His personality is serious and blank-faced, but he's very good with children, and has a soft spot for them. When encountering a scientist or doctor, especially one that experiments on Nauts, he gets a vengeful glint to his eye and does anything in his power to get revenge, brandishing his sword as sharp as his cold eyes. 

Submission image: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/899020937859596308/981482022251950110/its_fish_time.png 

Artist Username: Nukacola

NPC Name -  DJ 0CT0/Phanta - A peacemaker DJ who runs the club "Calamariana's Trench!"

Short description: A DJ who is always looking at the bright side of things! The club he plays at, he owns! It's free to enter for nauts and land dwellers alike. His mentality is "good vibes only" and he seems as laid back and chill as ever at every moment. He makes sure everyone's safe, comfortable and having a good time! He makes his own music and hopes it'll quell those who have rage in their hearts. Phanta prefers to use his stage name instead of his real name, mostly because he has some bad memories when it comes to his name, but that doesn't stop him from jamming out 24/7!

Submission image: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/974323355249418240/981499182454018048/gfbbfgfb.png (also gonna mention his tail spot is a bunny like tail)

(alt colors jic! https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/974323355249418240/981498216103157780/rebbrbtrbt.png)


please reply here for misc bulletin comments and questions to prevent clutter:

How many npcs are we allowed to design? Like are we allowed to make more than 1? 

Sorry for the belated reply! Edited bulletin to clarify you can only submit one NPC design

ah, ok! :00

What happens to the other npc submissions if they don’t win? Would the creator/designer keep them?

Yes, you can keep them, but you'd need a MYO slot to have it become an official Dreadnaut. Otherwise, please keep it as a personal oc/one off without the traits or just hold onto it until you decide you want it approved.

Dreadnauts as a species/staff will not claim ownership of any designs submitted to the contest (the one made into an NPC will be 'community owned', with the only profile being on the Masterlist)

If the species ends up closing in the future what will happen to the chosen designed npc? Will they go back into ownership of the original designer? :oc?

Although we do hope to keep running well into the future, in the event the species shuts down (no longer a species), the original designer may request the design to be used personally - we'll probably accommodate - as the design/NPC would be 'community owned' instead of owned by staff. Else, it'll probably just sit there as an archived memory (though hopefully that doesn't happen haha :b)

I see!! Tysm for the answer!! Hopefully I didn't come off badly at all!! (*´ω`*) !! I get curious about the odd qualities of these things !! 

Not at all haha! It's an interesting question to consider (one that we really haven't though of). I suppose it's just being optimistic -- I don't suppose any species staff think of when their species shuts down