May Prompt - Beach Episode

Posted 2 years, 23 days ago by dreadnauts




Beach Episode!

Prompts are monthly mini events where you can earn Fisher Tokens! They reset every second of the month, along with the monthly bulletin. The deadline for the May prompt is May 31st. We will be rolling a participation slot and as usual, a community favorite vote on June 1st. This month is about collaboration and making links, so we hope for new friendships and linksHere are some rules and guidelines to join in on the fun

Art Submissions
1. Must be at least a clean sketch, flat colored at minimum
2. Show two (or more!) nauts interacting
3. We'll have Fisher Tokens distributed based on entries with a maximum of four tokens earned from this prompt
4. Pieces with 3+ Nauts will be awarded 4 tokens for one piece! Pieces with two nauts will earn 2 tokens. 

Due to the nature of this prompt, we require interactions in a piece, though one character can be the focus

Writing Submissions
1. You can submit multiple, or one piece - the word count will be totalled
2. Submissions are via GDocs , TH Literature, A03 link, please make sure the work is public
450 words = 1 FT
700 words = 2 FTs
1000 words = 3 FTs
1500 words = 4 FTs

You can submit a combination of writing and art, but you the maximum number of four tokens total still apply. Please make sure to submit prompt entries all at once. And as a special addition to the CocoeNauts collab, putting a Coelune in a dreadnaut May prompt and vice versa earns you a currency from both species! Both have to be submitted manually. Need links or another Naut? Come join us in 
discord for events, raffles, and other fun stuff!



Entry Submissions Here!



Beach Fact

Waves from the ocean will bring nutrients and microorganisms (like plankton) to the shore, and these provide food for crabs and insects and sometimes birds. You can often see a very unique type of tall grass between a beach and the neighboring biome or ecosystem, taking advantage of the distance from the waves (which would disturb them) while still using some of the nutrients they bring up that are pushed further ashore by wind and by other organisms. Source



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