Defective/Storage Bin Dice Shop?

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by digitaldesignation

Set up shop page for defect and storage bin dice?

1 Votes Yes! Give us all the dice!!!
0 Votes Storage bin only
0 Votes Just commissions/custom sets

So since I started experimenting with techniques and learning how to not get bubbles in my dice casts, I've acquired a fair amount of defective/bubble filled dice and sets that didn't quite come out how I'd planned. They're still pretty cool dice, so I wanted to see if there was any interest if I put them up in a ko-fi shop or something. I have one purple mini set for sure that is going in the storage bin, and I might have more by the end of today once I get the next batch de-molded. Still figuring out pricing, but for the holey bois I was thinking $5/dice or $30/set which would include shipping costs for US orders only for now (I'll have to check out costs for international shipping but eventually will offer international too).

For clarification: The sets I have are 7 pieces total. They include a d4, d6, d8, two d10, d12, and d20.


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