Newbie Missions

Posted 2 years, 28 days ago by manna
Newbie Missions

Welcome to the newbie missions page! These missions are for users who don't own a djubetos yet! If you have participated in a MYO event in the past, then you won't be able to get one.*

(*This does not count if you have bought an adopt or custom in the past from the group - you can still get one if that's the case! But this is for the people who are trying to get a djubetos when the MYO events aren't live.)

All you have to do is complete all three missions on this page, and then fill out the form below and we'll walk you through obtaining you your first every djubetos MYO!

Space Piranhas

Mission type: Quiz

Requirements: You must be a newbie that doesn't own any Djubetos!

Click here to take the quiz!

Take the quiz above, and make sure you don't forget what result you get! You can find the answers by reading the database. This will be needed to complete the mission.

What in the world...?

Mission type: Quiz

Requirements: You must be a newbie that doesn't own any Djubetos!

Click here to take the quiz!

Take the quiz above, and make sure you don't forget what result you get! You can find the answers by reading the database. This will be needed to complete the mission.

First Encounter

Now that you're familiar with Djubetos, try drawing someone else's (or an NPC)! Completing this mission will give you the final amount of photons needed to purchase your first common MYO from the shop.

Mission type: Art only

Requirements: Flatcolor (minimum); Must have completed the previous two newbie missions!

Link to NPC List

Link to masterlist

Draw someone else's Djubetos! Or, if you don't feel comfortable with gifts, draw one of the group's NPCs! If you know the name of the user that owns the Djubetos, you can also tag them if you'd like to give them a nice surprise <3


Once you finish all three of these missions, please fill out the form below and post it in the comments so we can help you get your new MYO!



Quiz 1 score:

Quiz 2 score:

Link to gift art: (aka the art for the First Encounter mission!)


Quiz 1 score: 5/5

Quiz 2 score: 5/5

Link to gift art: (Full size linked to preview image!)


Hey there, thank you for participating! Your Djubetos' ID number is #466!

Make sure you create a blank TH profile for your new MYO and reply here linking it back so that we can add it properly to the masterlist. If you aren't sure what that should look like, we have an example here!:

Your MYO will NOT be useable until you reply with a blank profile here!

Perfect, thank you! ♥ You're free to submit your MYO whenever you'd like ^^ (It's already been done since I have processed your approval on the Discord just now but just posting for formality bless)

This user is not visible to guests.

Your photons have been logged! ♥ (So sorry for the delay, we got really busy recently haha)

I drew Atlas !
Also my quizz results were 5/5 and 4/5 (Yes, I failed, I'm ashamed)


Heya, I've logged your 5 photons in the Cargo Ship! You can view them on the second tab of the masterlist <3