Making a new bulletin for this because obssession/need to complete for following types pls

True I have these concepts in mind but I prefer to ship with other people since I want to get excited with someone else over the pairing and not just me alone;;;;

Based on Moto Haruhira's Mauri to Ryuu !

I found the story to be really cute and interesting so I wanted a ship like that LOL;;;; Or well two, since I want one wandering god and one human :3c Although to ensure they end up happy with each other, once the human does it with the wandering god (like willing to tie and devote themselves to the God even if it's for eternity), then they will gain immortality to make sure that becomes true ( ´ v ` )~

Wandering God X Human

Wandering God X Human


This one was inspired from looking at a friend's OC weeps

Spirit! daycare or kindergarten teacher X Spirit! parent

Basically, one of the kids at the daycare or kindergarten is always seen talking to someone that no one else can see. Because of this, the child is isolated from the other children and the other teachers often "judge" or pity the child for acting like that. When asked to participate with the others or if they care if they're being isolated by the other kids, the child always says it's okay because mommy/daddy is always here with them. Eventually the teacher finds out the person the child is seen talking to is mostly likely their recently dead parent. Meanwhile the parent's spirit is constantly concerned how their child is constantly not well taken care of like the others or how the other children avoids their child which saddens the parent.  In the end, the teacher does their best to keep watch over the child and "act as a replacement parent" Over time the child grows attached and does try to interact with others a bit more which makes the parent happy. Unfortunately, the teacher meets his end as he gets involved in a fatal accident. Still bound to the world because of what he left behind, he goes back to the daycare/kindergarten and there, he's greeted by the sight of the child's parent which leads them to their first encounter---  whatever happens next-- who knows :3c 


For those who are my interested in my more general shipping stuff, please go here -->


//screams// I love Mauri to Ryuu <3

It's so good :3c

I want mooooaarr


like excuse u who said u can break my heart

Q7Q wandering god x human oh man sign me up //wheeze